[R] truth[(truth[, 1]=="G3" & truth[, 2]=="G2") | (truth[, 1]=="G2" & truth[, 2]=="G3"), 3]<-1
Hesham A. AL-bukhaiti
he@h@m|bb @end|ng |rom y@hoo@com
Sun Sep 6 11:58:21 CEST 2020
helloout<-read.csv("outbr.csv")truth<-out[,seq(1,2)]for example :
If row1= G1 and row2=G2 , and row 1 = G2 and row 2= G1,make G3=1 # note G1 and G2 are values from 1 to 2000 #if this happend add to thrid column in truth 1 otherwise add 0 as in statment follow
truth<-cbind(as.character(truth[,1]),as.character(truth[,2]) ,as.data.frame(rep(0,,dim(out)[1])));#here just G2 and G3, i want make loop to cam[are all values from G1 to G2000
truth[(truth[,1]=="G3" & truth[,2]=="G2") | (truth[,1]=="G2" & truth[,2]=="G3"),3]<-1 ###############################3(Simply they regulate the other. If element A is in the first group , and it is related to element B in the second group , and element B also in in the first group , and it is related to element A(the same element in the first group) in the second group , we write 1 and otherwise 0.
this the distination result:
I want this result
G1 G2 G3 D B 1 B D 1 A D 0 B A 1B C 0A B 1
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