[R] statment can tacke value in row1 and rows

Jim Lemon drj|m|emon @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Thu Sep 3 05:27:17 CEST 2020

Hi Hesham,
It think you are looking for something like this:

truth$G3<-as.numeric(truth$G1 == truth$G2)

Note that like quite a few emails produced with Javascript formatting,
there are embedded characters that R can't interpret.


On Thu, Sep 3, 2020 at 11:18 AM Hesham A. AL-bukhaiti via R-help
<r-help using r-project.org> wrote:
> hello.I have this code :#################################3#read data just thee columns. first and second columns are catogary , third column  is number. out<-read.csv("outbr.csv")
> truth<-out[,seq(1,2)] #truth about 2000 rows, some values in row1 can  show in rows2,and the some values in row2 can also show in row1 :
> #for example :#G1(row1), G2(row2)
> #G2(row1),G1(row2)
> #if this happend add to thrid column in truth 1 otherwise add 0 as in statment followtruth<-cbind(as.character(truth[,1]),as.character(truth[,2])             ,as.data.frame(rep(0,,dim(out)[1])));#here just G2 and G3, i want make loop to cam[are all values from G1 to G2000 truth[(truth[,1]=="G3" & truth[,2]=="G2") | (truth[,1]=="G2" & truth[,2]=="G3"),3]<-1 ###############################3Q:# i want make loop take all 2000 rows and comparsion between all values in row one and row two :
> #Gi(value in row1), Gj(value in row2)
> #Gj(varow1),Gi(row2), #############more :#here just G2 and G3, i want make loop to cam[are all values from G1 to G2000 truth[(truth[,1]=="G3" & truth[,2]=="G2") | (truth[,1]=="G2" & truth[,2]=="G3"),3]<-1
> (Simply they regulate the other. If element A is in the first group , and it is related to element B in the second group , and element B also in  in the first group , and it is related to element A(the same element  in the first group)  in the second group , we write 1 and otherwise 0.
>         [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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