[R] R ioanalysis pkg

Gaspar Núñez nurog@|eo @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Wed Nov 11 01:54:29 CET 2020


Hope you are doing well, I´m trying to start working
with ioanalysis package, however its being difficult for me
to prepare data from my own input-output table,
import it into R in order to apply the ioanalysis functions
Any help on this will be highly appreciated.
Please note that I do not need links to the ioanalysis manual
nor to pages describing the package and its functions,
but something like a tutorial or worked example on
how to prepare data from the input-output table
import data into R, so that after that i can work with ioanalysis

Thank you very much in advance

Gaspar Núñez

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