[R] how to order variables on correlation plot

Ana Marija @okov|c@@n@m@r|j@ @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Fri Nov 6 15:07:50 CET 2020


I have data like this:

> head(my_data)
      subjects DIABDUR HBA1C ESRD SEX AGE PHENO          C1           C2
1 fam0110_G110      38   9.4    1   2  51     2 -0.01144980  0.002661140
2 fam0113_G113      30  12.5    1   2  40     2 -0.00502052 -0.000929061
3 fam0114_G114      23   8.4    2   2  45     2 -0.00251578 -0.003450950
4 fam0117_G117      37   9.0    2   2  46     2 -0.00704917 -0.000573325
5 fam0119_G119      22   9.4    1   1  46     1  0.00263433  0.001002370
6 fam0119_G120      NA    NA    1   1  71     1 -0.00354795 -0.002045940
            C3          C4          C5           C6           C7          C8
1  0.006028150 -0.00176795 -0.00148375  0.004543550 -0.006272170 -0.00535077
2 -0.000453402 -0.00192162  0.00416229  0.007868230 -0.001957670 -0.00473148
3 -0.001680860 -0.00620438 -0.00235092  0.000672831 -0.000278318  0.00647337
4  0.001436740  0.00155568 -0.00556147 -0.000386401 -0.006885350  0.00135539
5 -0.007396920  0.00326229  0.00355575 -0.011149400  0.009156510  0.00120833
6  0.004532050  0.00869862 -0.00113207  0.002244520 -0.002119220  0.00657587
           C9         C10
1  0.00328111 -0.00113515
2 -0.00495790  0.00320201
3  0.00208591 -0.00874752
4 -0.00967934  0.00607760
5  0.00611030  0.00876190
6 -0.00990661  0.00635349

I am plotting it with:

d=my_data %>% data.frame %>% set_rownames(.$subjects) %>% select(-subjects)
res <- cor(d, use = "complete.obs")
corrplot(res, type = "upper", order = "hclust",
         tl.col = "black", tl.srt = 45)

and I am getting the plot in attach. How to make it so that my
variables are shown on the plot in the order they are in my_data data


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