[R] Error message when using "revtools" package

John m|@ojpm @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Thu Nov 5 03:38:51 CET 2020


    I tried to read a bib file by  "read_bibliography" function in
"revtools" package, but I got an error message but don't know how to fix
it. Anyone can help? Thank you so much!!

   data2 <- read_bibliography("mlf_ref201105_2.bib", return_df = FALSE)

Error message:
Error in if (any(names(entry_list) == "author")) { :
  missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed

   My "mlf_ref201105_2.bib" file is attached.

   I have no problem reading the built-in ris file:

file_location <- system.file(
  package = "revtools")
x <- read_bibliography(file_location)

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