[R] build a literature database

John m|@ojpm @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Wed Nov 4 10:22:26 CET 2020


   I 'd like to create a table for literature review. Is there any good
data structure (database) I may use? Now I just use a simple dataframe as
follows, but in the second item I swap the order of year and author, and it
records 2013 as author and "XH" as year.  Is there any better structure ?
If not, how may I fix the current condition?Thanks!

df <- data.frame(author = NA, year = NA, title = NA, country = NA, sample =
NA, data = NA, result = NA, note = NA, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
df[1, ]<-c(
           author = "Moore",
           year = 2020,
           title = "Statistics and data analysis",
           country = "Colombia",
           sample = NA,
           data = "firm level",
           result = NA,
           note = NA)

df[nrow(df)+1,]<- c(year = 2013,
                    author = "XH",
                    title = NA,
                    country = NA,
                    sample = NA,
                    data = NA,
                    result = NA,
                    note = NA)

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