[R] Help with sub-setting

Burgess, Jamie J@m|e@Burge@@ @end|ng |rom ||verpoo|@@c@uk
Mon May 25 14:26:46 CEST 2020

Dear all,

I hope this message finds you well. I am currently trying to subset my data by two variables, so far, I have tried two different ways to stratify participants into groups. I would like to use the �summary� and �table� arguments to characterise the data of participants based on the presence of two variables and summarise this sub-set against a third variable.
I have used this method:

dgb001<-subset(data,data$variable==1 & data,data$variable)

However, I get the following error: �Error: cannot allocate vector of size 16.0 Gb�. Is there another method I can try?

Kind regards,

Jamie Burgess

PhD Student Endocrinology and Diabetes

University of Liverpool

Aintree University Hospital &

The Walton Centre

Institute of Ageing & Chronic Disease

0151 529 5936

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