[R] Question about package "SentimentAnalysis"

Mehdi Dadkhah mehd|d@dkh@h91 @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Fri May 8 14:31:54 CEST 2020

I hope you are doing well!
I read a vignette (
about interested package, "SentimentAnalysis". But i faced with a question.
In mentioned  vignette, the sentiment has been applied on a sentence or
multiple sentences separately. Can this package calculate sentiment
direction/score for a long texts?
for example:

# Create a vector of strings
documents <- "Wow, I really like the new light sabers!That book was
excellent.R is a fantastic language.The service in this restaurant was
miserable.This is neither positive or negative."

# Analyze sentiment
sentiment <- analyzeSentiment(documents)

Many thanks!
With best regards,

*Mehdi Dadkhah*

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