[R] How to use pakcage R0

cpoiw@rt m@iii@g oii chemo@org@uk cpoiw@rt m@iii@g oii chemo@org@uk
Tue May 5 22:11:03 CEST 2020

>> R0 = estimate.R(germany_vect, mGT, begin=germany_vect[1],
> end=germany_vect[length(germany_vect)], methods="EG", pop.size=pop_de,
> nsim=100)
> Error in begin.nb:end.nb : argument of length 0
>> germany_vect[1]
>   1
> 184
>> germany_vect[length(germany_vect)]
>  57
> 488
> ```
> What might be the problem here?

begin = germany_vect[1]
So begin = 184

but do you not want begin = 1

and same for end?

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