[R] Add labels to dendogram
Peter Langfelder
peter@|@ng|e|der @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Thu Mar 26 17:07:34 CET 2020
Your code does not work because Tag is not numeric. You need to exclude Tag
from the data frame df and instead assign it as rownames. Also, dist
requires a numeric matrix, not data frame.
df = as.matrix(data.frame(Healthy, Tumour, Metastasis))
df = cbind(Healthy, Tumour, Metastasis)
rownames(df) = Tag
Then continue as in your code.
On Thu, Mar 26, 2020 at 8:10 AM Luigi Marongiu <marongiu.luigi using gmail.com>
> Dear all,
> I have built a hierarchical clustering on some data as follows:
> ```
> Tag = c(
> "YP_008603282", "NP_054035", "BAA00606", "NP_054034",
> "NP_054033",
> "AAC17846" , "NP_054036", "YP_073767" , "BAQ20411", "P52455")
> Healthy = c(
> 12.15540751, 2.33103008, 1.46924258, 0.26274009, 0.95217008,
> -0.08197491, 0.09038259, -0.08197491, -0.25433241, -0.08197491)
> Tumour = c(
> 12.51939026, 1.20983671, 0.61459705, 0.61459705, 0.81301027,
> 0.21777061, -0.17905583, -0.17905583, -0.17905583, 0.01935739)
> Metastasis = c(
> 12.55328882, 1.04722513, 1.04722513, 0.70881149, 0.37039785,
> 0.20119103, 0.20119103, 0.20119103, 0.20119103, 0.03198422)
> df = data.frame(Tag, Healthy, Tumour, Metastasis, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
> d <- dist(df, method = "euclidean")
> hc1 <- hclust(d, method = "complete" )
> plot(hc1)
> ```
> Is there a way to add the Tag column instead of the numbers to the leaves
> of the dendrogram?
> Thank you
> --
> Best regards,
> Luigi
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