[R] Request for help about running a loop and reading .NC files

Bert Gunter bgunter@4567 @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Tue Mar 24 14:49:57 CET 2020


See also:

Bert Gunter

"The trouble with having an open mind is that people keep coming along
and sticking things into it."
-- Opus (aka Berkeley Breathed in his "Bloom County" comic strip )

On Tue, Mar 24, 2020 at 5:13 AM Bhaskar Mitra <bhaskar.kolkata using gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> I have written a loop which reads hundreds of .nc files
> and extract information from each .nc file and
> exports that corresponding information as a csv file.
> The loop works fine until it encounters a .nc file which it cannot read
> and the loop stops.
>  I would appreciate if anyone can suggest how can I modify
> the loop, whereby the loop will continue to run by bypassing those
> particular
> files which it cannot read or if any particular file has an error.
> In the end, I was also hoping to modify the loop such that it
> will generate a report which will inform me which
> files were not read by the loop.  The codes are given below
> Thanks for your help,
> Regards,
> Bhaskar Mitra
> #_------------------------------------------------------------------
> library(ncdf4)
> library(reshape2)
> library(dplyr)
> library(stringr)
> setwd("directory path")
> Output <- "directory path"
> flist <- list.files(path ="NCFiles/", pattern = "^.*\\.(nc|NC|Nc|Nc)$")
> for (i in 1: length(flist))
> {
>   nc <- nc_open(paste0("NCFiles/",flist[i]))
>   mean1 <- ncvar_get(nc,attributes(nc$dim)$names[3])
>   nc_close(nc)
>   mean_chl_df <- melt(mean1)
>   trial.table.df <-as.data.frame(mean_chl_df)
> write.csv(trial.table.df,paste0(Output,"/",tools::file_path_sans_ext(flist[i]),".csv"))
> }
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