[R] Permutation Ramsey RESET test ?

varin sacha v@r|n@@ch@ @end|ng |rom y@hoo@|r
Sun Jun 28 20:45:31 CEST 2020

Dear R-experts,

I am trying to do a permutation test for the Ramsey RESET test. More precisely, I am interested in the "exact" p-value of the test.

I have checked the coin package and all the functions (oneway_test; ...). There are plenty of functions but no one is helping me for RESET test. I have checked as well lmPerm package for linear model but I don't find anything that can help me. I have googled but did not find anything to help me. I guess I have to write my own function. I really don't know how to do that. Any help would be highly appreciated.

Here below the reproducible example :


fit=lm(Y~ X1+X2+X3)

resettest(Y~ X1+X2+X3)


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