[R] How to stack two Stack manhattan plots?

Jeff Newmiller jdnewm|| @end|ng |rom dcn@d@v|@@c@@u@
Wed Jun 10 23:49:58 CEST 2020


We cannot tell how the columns are being stored in memory from your head() output.

On June 10, 2020 1:36:11 PM PDT, Ana Marija <sokovic.anamarija using gmail.com> wrote:
>I have a data frame like this:
>> head(tmp1)
>  CHR      BP   Pold    Pnew
>1   1  785989 0.9521 0.09278
>2   1 1130727 0.4750 0.19010
>3   1 1156131 0.5289 0.48520
>4   1 1158631 0.2554 0.18140
>5   1 1211292 0.2954 0.48590
>6   1 1478153 0.5542 0.68790
>I did:
>tmp.tidy <- tmp1 %>% gather(key, value, -BP, -CHR)
>ggplot(tmp.tidy, aes(BP, value, color=key)) + geom_point() +
>facet_wrap(~CHR, nrow=1)
>but I got this plot in attach which doesn't make sense. Can you please
>advise how to make this plot?

Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.

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