[R] Query on contour plots
Neotropical bat risk assessments
neotrop|c@|@b@t@ @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Tue Jun 2 19:11:54 CEST 2020
Hi all,
I spent some time this morning fiddling with the parameters in the plot
code provided by Jim and Abby and by changing some important ones.
Jim did note
*# set the matrix limits a bit beyond the data ranges*
zfun="sum",xlim=c(*30,45*),ylim=c(*-55,110*)) and
So editing the lines above to match what the data includes the plots for
various species are working!
I now need to figure out how to add a legend for the density values in
the bivariate package plots.
I am assuming there can be a line or so of code that can extract the
min-max values from the actual data files
that will update the xlim, ylim and axis data? I think this should be a
simple first step after reading in each new data set.
I can not thank Jim and Abby enough. Super helpful
Bruce W. Miller, PhD.
Neotropical bat risk assessments
Conservation Fellow - Wildlife Conservation Society
If we lose the bats, we may lose much of the tropical vegetation and the lungs of the planet
Using acoustic sampling to identify and map species distributions
and pioneering acoustic tools for ecology and conservation of bats for >25 years.
Key projects include providing free interactive identification keys and call fact sheets for the vocal signatures of New World Bats
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