[R] hist from a list

Rui Barradas ru|pb@rr@d@@ @end|ng |rom @@po@pt
Fri Jul 31 16:50:10 CEST 2020


I second Michael's opinion. When the post's code is very long, there is 
a tendency to have less answers.

Please post the output of

dput(head(bwchist, 30))

It's much shorter code and it recreates the data so we will be able to 
see what's wrong and try to find a solution.

Hope this helps,

Rui Barradas

Às 15:44 de 31/07/2020, Michael Dewey escreveu:
> Dear Pedro
> Some comments in-line
> On 30/07/2020 21:16, Pedro páramo wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I attach my code, the think is I want to make a bar plot the last 
>> variable
>> called "bwchist"
>>   so the X axis are "Accion" and the y axis are "reval" values.
>> I have prove class(bwchist) and says dataframe but its still a list 
>> because
>> it says me
>> I have prove to unlist,  but it doesnt work
>> hist(bwchist)
>> Error in hist.default(bwchist) : 'x' must be numeric
> So bwchist is not a numeric variable as hist needs. Aboce you said it 
> is a data frame but data frames are not numeric.
> For future reference your example is way too long for anyone to go 
> through and try to help you. Try next time to reduce it to the 
> absolute minimum by removing sections while you still get the error. 
> It is also easier to get help if you can remove unnecessary packages.
> It is also unreadable because you are posting in HTML and that makes 
> the post unreadable as this is a plain text list.
> Michael
>> Or
>> barplot(bwchist)
>> Error in barplot.default(bwchist) : 'height' must be a vector or a 
>> matrix
>> library(PerformanceAnalytics)
>> library(dplyr)
>> library(tibble)
>> library(lubridate)
>> library(PerformanceAnalytics)
>> library(quantmod)
>> library(ggplot2)
>> library(png)
>> library(grid)
>> library(RCurl)
>> library(tidyquant)
>> library(timetk)
>> library(data.table)
>> Acciona<- tq_get("ANA.MC",from = '2019-12-31',get = "stock.prices")
>> ACS<- tq_get("ACS.MC",from = '2019-12-31',get = "stock.prices")
>> Aena<- tq_get("AENA.MC",from = '2019-12-31',get = "stock.prices")
>> Amadeus<- tq_get("AMS.MC",from = '2019-12-31',get = "stock.prices")
>> ArcelorMittal<- tq_get("MTS.MC",from = '2019-12-31',get = 
>> "stock.prices")
>> BBVA<- tq_get("BBVA.MC",from = '2019-12-31',get = "stock.prices")
>> Sabadell<- tq_get("SAB.MC",from = '2019-12-31',get = "stock.prices")
>> Santander<- tq_get("SAN.MC",from = '2019-12-31',get = "stock.prices")
>> Bankinter<- tq_get("BKT.MC",from = '2019-12-31',get = "stock.prices")
>> CaixaBank<- tq_get("CABK.MC",from = '2019-12-31',get = "stock.prices")
>> Cellnex<- tq_get("CLNX.MC",from = '2019-12-31',get = "stock.prices")
>> Enagas<- tq_get("ENG.MC",from = '2019-12-31',get = "stock.prices")
>> ENCE<- tq_get("ENC.MC",from = '2019-12-31',get = "stock.prices")
>> Endesa<- tq_get("ELE.MC",from = '2019-12-31',get = "stock.prices")
>> Ferrovial<- tq_get("FER.MC",from = '2019-12-31',get = "stock.prices")
>> Grifols<- tq_get("GRF.MC",from = '2019-12-31',get = "stock.prices")
>> Iberdrola<- tq_get("IBE.MC",from = '2019-12-31',get = "stock.prices")
>> Inditex<- tq_get("ITX.MC",from = '2019-12-31',get = "stock.prices")
>> Colonial<- tq_get("COL.MC",from = '2019-12-31',get = "stock.prices")
>> IAG<- tq_get("IAG.MC",from = '2019-12-31',get = "stock.prices")
>> Mapfre<- tq_get("MAP.MC",from = '2019-12-31',get = "stock.prices")
>> Melia<- tq_get("MEL.MC",from = '2019-12-31',get = "stock.prices")
>> Merlin<- tq_get("MRL.MC",from = '2019-12-31',get = "stock.prices")
>> Naturgy<- tq_get("NTGY.MC",from = '2019-12-31',get = "stock.prices")
>> REE<- tq_get("REE.MC",from = '2019-12-31',get = "stock.prices")
>> Repsol<- tq_get("REP.MC",from = '2019-12-31',get = "stock.prices")
>> SGamesa<- tq_get("SGRE.MC",from = '2019-12-31',get = "stock.prices")
>> Telefonica<- tq_get("TEF.MC",from = '2019-12-31',get = "stock.prices")
>> Viscofan<- tq_get("VIS.MC",from = '2019-12-31',get = "stock.prices")
>> Acerinox<- tq_get("ACX.MC",from = '2019-12-31',get = "stock.prices")
>> Bankia<- tq_get("BKIA.MC",from = '2019-12-31',get = "stock.prices")
>> CIE<- tq_get("CIE.MC",from = '2019-12-31',get = "stock.prices")
>> MasMovil<- tq_get("MAS.MC",from = '2019-12-31',get = "stock.prices")
>> Almirall<- tq_get("ALM.MC",from = '2019-12-31',get = "stock.prices")
>> Indra<- tq_get("IDR.MC",from ='2019-12-31',get = "stock.prices")
>> Indra_daily_returns <- Indra %>%
>>    tq_transmute(select = adjusted,           # this specifies which 
>> column
>> to select
>>                 mutate_fun = periodReturn,   # This specifies what to do
>> with that column
>>                 period = "daily",      # This argument calculates Daily
>> returns
>>                 col_rename = "idr_returns") # renames the column
>> Indra_cum_returns <- Indra_daily_returns %>%
>>    mutate(cr = cumprod(1 + idr_returns)) %>%      # using the cumprod
>> function
>>    mutate(cumulative_returns = cr - 1)
>> Almirall_daily_returns <- Almirall %>%
>>    tq_transmute(select = adjusted,           # this specifies which 
>> column
>> to select
>>                 mutate_fun = periodReturn,   # This specifies what to do
>> with that column
>>                 period = "daily",      # This argument calculates Daily
>> returns
>>                 col_rename = "idr_returns") # renames the column
>> Almirall_cum_returns <- Almirall_daily_returns %>%
>>    mutate(cr = cumprod(1 + idr_returns)) %>%      # using the cumprod
>> function
>>    mutate(cumulative_returns = cr - 1)
>> Acciona_daily_returns <- Acciona %>%
>>    tq_transmute(select = adjusted,           # this specifies which 
>> column
>> to select
>>                 mutate_fun = periodReturn,   # This specifies what to do
>> with that column
>>                 period = "daily",      # This argument calculates Daily
>> returns
>>                 col_rename = "idr_returns") # renames the column
>> Acciona_cum_returns <- Acciona_daily_returns %>%
>>    mutate(cr = cumprod(1 + idr_returns)) %>%      # using the cumprod
>> function
>>    mutate(cumulative_returns = cr - 1)
>> ACS_daily_returns <- ACS %>%
>>    tq_transmute(select = adjusted,           # this specifies which 
>> column
>> to select
>>                 mutate_fun = periodReturn,   # This specifies what to do
>> with that column
>>                 period = "daily",      # This argument calculates Daily
>> returns
>>                 col_rename = "idr_returns") # renames the column
>> ACS_cum_returns <- ACS_daily_returns %>%
>>    mutate(cr = cumprod(1 + idr_returns)) %>%      # using the cumprod
>> function
>>    mutate(cumulative_returns = cr - 1)
>> Aena_daily_returns <- Aena %>%
>>    tq_transmute(select = adjusted,           # this specifies which 
>> column
>> to select
>>                 mutate_fun = periodReturn,   # This specifies what to do
>> with that column
>>                 period = "daily",      # This argument calculates Daily
>> returns
>>                 col_rename = "idr_returns") # renames the column
>> Aena_cum_returns <- Aena_daily_returns %>%
>>    mutate(cr = cumprod(1 + idr_returns)) %>%      # using the cumprod
>> function
>>    mutate(cumulative_returns = cr - 1)
>> Amadeus_daily_returns <- Amadeus %>%
>>    tq_transmute(select = adjusted,           # this specifies which 
>> column
>> to select
>>                 mutate_fun = periodReturn,   # This specifies what to do
>> with that column
>>                 period = "daily",      # This argument calculates Daily
>> returns
>>                 col_rename = "idr_returns") # renames the column
>> Amadeus_cum_returns <- Amadeus_daily_returns %>%
>>    mutate(cr = cumprod(1 + idr_returns)) %>%      # using the cumprod
>> function
>>    mutate(cumulative_returns = cr - 1)
>> ArcelorMittal_daily_returns <- ArcelorMittal %>%
>>    tq_transmute(select = adjusted,           # this specifies which 
>> column
>> to select
>>                 mutate_fun = periodReturn,   # This specifies what to do
>> with that column
>>                 period = "daily",      # This argument calculates Daily
>> returns
>>                 col_rename = "idr_returns") # renames the column
>> ArcelorMittal_cum_returns <- ArcelorMittal_daily_returns %>%
>>    mutate(cr = cumprod(1 + idr_returns)) %>%      # using the cumprod
>> function
>>    mutate(cumulative_returns = cr - 1)
>> BBVA_daily_returns <- BBVA %>%
>>    tq_transmute(select = adjusted,           # this specifies which 
>> column
>> to select
>>                 mutate_fun = periodReturn,   # This specifies what to do
>> with that column
>>                 period = "daily",      # This argument calculates Daily
>> returns
>>                 col_rename = "idr_returns") # renames the column
>> BBVA_cum_returns <- BBVA_daily_returns %>%
>>    mutate(cr = cumprod(1 + idr_returns)) %>%      # using the cumprod
>> function
>>    mutate(cumulative_returns = cr - 1)
>> Sabadell_daily_returns <- Sabadell %>%
>>    tq_transmute(select = adjusted,           # this specifies which 
>> column
>> to select
>>                 mutate_fun = periodReturn,   # This specifies what to do
>> with that column
>>                 period = "daily",      # This argument calculates Daily
>> returns
>>                 col_rename = "idr_returns") # renames the column
>> Sabadell_cum_returns <- Sabadell_daily_returns %>%
>>    mutate(cr = cumprod(1 + idr_returns)) %>%      # using the cumprod
>> function
>>    mutate(cumulative_returns = cr - 1)
>> Santander_daily_returns <- Santander %>%
>>    tq_transmute(select = adjusted,           # this specifies which 
>> column
>> to select
>>                 mutate_fun = periodReturn,   # This specifies what to do
>> with that column
>>                 period = "daily",      # This argument calculates Daily
>> returns
>>                 col_rename = "idr_returns") # renames the column
>> Santander_cum_returns <- Santander_daily_returns %>%
>>    mutate(cr = cumprod(1 + idr_returns)) %>%      # using the cumprod
>> function
>>    mutate(cumulative_returns = cr - 1)
>> Bankinter_daily_returns <- Bankinter %>%
>>    tq_transmute(select = adjusted,           # this specifies which 
>> column
>> to select
>>                 mutate_fun = periodReturn,   # This specifies what to do
>> with that column
>>                 period = "daily",      # This argument calculates Daily
>> returns
>>                 col_rename = "idr_returns") # renames the column
>> Bankinter_cum_returns <- Bankinter_daily_returns %>%
>>    mutate(cr = cumprod(1 + idr_returns)) %>%      # using the cumprod
>> function
>>    mutate(cumulative_returns = cr - 1)
>> CaixaBank_daily_returns <- CaixaBank %>%
>>    tq_transmute(select = adjusted,           # this specifies which 
>> column
>> to select
>>                 mutate_fun = periodReturn,   # This specifies what to do
>> with that column
>>                 period = "daily",      # This argument calculates Daily
>> returns
>>                 col_rename = "idr_returns") # renames the column
>> CaixaBank_cum_returns <- CaixaBank_daily_returns %>%
>>    mutate(cr = cumprod(1 + idr_returns)) %>%      # using the cumprod
>> function
>>    mutate(cumulative_returns = cr - 1)
>> Cellnex_daily_returns <- Cellnex %>%
>>    tq_transmute(select = adjusted,           # this specifies which 
>> column
>> to select
>>                 mutate_fun = periodReturn,   # This specifies what to do
>> with that column
>>                 period = "daily",      # This argument calculates Daily
>> returns
>>                 col_rename = "idr_returns") # renames the column
>> Cellnex_cum_returns <- Cellnex_daily_returns %>%
>>    mutate(cr = cumprod(1 + idr_returns)) %>%      # using the cumprod
>> function
>>    mutate(cumulative_returns = cr - 1)
>> CIE_daily_returns <- CIE %>%
>>    tq_transmute(select = adjusted,           # this specifies which 
>> column
>> to select
>>                 mutate_fun = periodReturn,   # This specifies what to do
>> with that column
>>                 period = "daily",      # This argument calculates Daily
>> returns
>>                 col_rename = "idr_returns") # renames the column
>> CIE_cum_returns <- CIE_daily_returns %>%
>>    mutate(cr = cumprod(1 + idr_returns)) %>%      # using the cumprod
>> function
>>    mutate(cumulative_returns = cr - 1)
>> CIE_daily_returns <- CIE %>%
>>    tq_transmute(select = adjusted,           # this specifies which 
>> column
>> to select
>>                 mutate_fun = periodReturn,   # This specifies what to do
>> with that column
>>                 period = "daily",      # This argument calculates Daily
>> returns
>>                 col_rename = "idr_returns") # renames the column
>> CIE_cum_returns <- CIE_daily_returns %>%
>>    mutate(cr = cumprod(1 + idr_returns)) %>%      # using the cumprod
>> function
>>    mutate(cumulative_returns = cr - 1)
>> Enagas_daily_returns <- Enagas %>%
>>    tq_transmute(select = adjusted,           # this specifies which 
>> column
>> to select
>>                 mutate_fun = periodReturn,   # This specifies what to do
>> with that column
>>                 period = "daily",      # This argument calculates Daily
>> returns
>>                 col_rename = "idr_returns") # renames the column
>> Enagas_cum_returns <- Enagas_daily_returns %>%
>>    mutate(cr = cumprod(1 + idr_returns)) %>%      # using the cumprod
>> function
>>    mutate(cumulative_returns = cr - 1)
>> ENCE_daily_returns <- ENCE %>%
>>    tq_transmute(select = adjusted,           # this specifies which 
>> column
>> to select
>>                 mutate_fun = periodReturn,   # This specifies what to do
>> with that column
>>                 period = "daily",      # This argument calculates Daily
>> returns
>>                 col_rename = "idr_returns") # renames the column
>> ENCE_cum_returns <- ENCE_daily_returns %>%
>>    mutate(cr = cumprod(1 + idr_returns)) %>%      # using the cumprod
>> function
>>    mutate(cumulative_returns = cr - 1)
>> Endesa_daily_returns <- Endesa %>%
>>    tq_transmute(select = adjusted,           # this specifies which 
>> column
>> to select
>>                 mutate_fun = periodReturn,   # This specifies what to do
>> with that column
>>                 period = "daily",      # This argument calculates Daily
>> returns
>>                 col_rename = "idr_returns") # renames the column
>> Endesa_cum_returns <- Endesa_daily_returns %>%
>>    mutate(cr = cumprod(1 + idr_returns)) %>%      # using the cumprod
>> function
>>    mutate(cumulative_returns = cr - 1)
>> Ferrovial_daily_returns <- Ferrovial %>%
>>    tq_transmute(select = adjusted,           # this specifies which 
>> column
>> to select
>>                 mutate_fun = periodReturn,   # This specifies what to do
>> with that column
>>                 period = "daily",      # This argument calculates Daily
>> returns
>>                 col_rename = "idr_returns") # renames the column
>> Ferrovial_cum_returns <- Ferrovial_daily_returns %>%
>>    mutate(cr = cumprod(1 + idr_returns)) %>%      # using the cumprod
>> function
>>    mutate(cumulative_returns = cr - 1)
>> Grifols_daily_returns <- Grifols %>%
>>    tq_transmute(select = adjusted,           # this specifies which 
>> column
>> to select
>>                 mutate_fun = periodReturn,   # This specifies what to do
>> with that column
>>                 period = "daily",      # This argument calculates Daily
>> returns
>>                 col_rename = "idr_returns") # renames the column
>> Grifols_cum_returns <- Grifols_daily_returns %>%
>>    mutate(cr = cumprod(1 + idr_returns)) %>%      # using the cumprod
>> function
>>    mutate(cumulative_returns = cr - 1)
>> Iberdrola_daily_returns <- Iberdrola %>%
>>    tq_transmute(select = adjusted,           # this specifies which 
>> column
>> to select
>>                 mutate_fun = periodReturn,   # This specifies what to do
>> with that column
>>                 period = "daily",      # This argument calculates Daily
>> returns
>>                 col_rename = "idr_returns") # renames the column
>> Iberdrola_cum_returns <- Iberdrola_daily_returns %>%
>>    mutate(cr = cumprod(1 + idr_returns)) %>%      # using the cumprod
>> function
>>    mutate(cumulative_returns = cr - 1)
>> Inditex_daily_returns <- Inditex %>%
>>    tq_transmute(select = adjusted,           # this specifies which 
>> column
>> to select
>>                 mutate_fun = periodReturn,   # This specifies what to do
>> with that column
>>                 period = "daily",      # This argument calculates Daily
>> returns
>>                 col_rename = "idr_returns") # renames the column
>> Inditex_cum_returns <- Inditex_daily_returns %>%
>>    mutate(cr = cumprod(1 + idr_returns)) %>%      # using the cumprod
>> function
>>    mutate(cumulative_returns = cr - 1)
>> Colonial_daily_returns <- Colonial %>%
>>    tq_transmute(select = adjusted,           # this specifies which 
>> column
>> to select
>>                 mutate_fun = periodReturn,   # This specifies what to do
>> with that column
>>                 period = "daily",      # This argument calculates Daily
>> returns
>>                 col_rename = "idr_returns") # renames the column
>> Colonial_cum_returns <- Colonial_daily_returns %>%
>>    mutate(cr = cumprod(1 + idr_returns)) %>%      # using the cumprod
>> function
>>    mutate(cumulative_returns = cr - 1)
>> IAG_daily_returns <- IAG %>%
>>    tq_transmute(select = adjusted,           # this specifies which 
>> column
>> to select
>>                 mutate_fun = periodReturn,   # This specifies what to do
>> with that column
>>                 period = "daily",      # This argument calculates Daily
>> returns
>>                 col_rename = "idr_returns") # renames the column
>> IAG_cum_returns <- IAG_daily_returns %>%
>>    mutate(cr = cumprod(1 + idr_returns)) %>%      # using the cumprod
>> function
>>    mutate(cumulative_returns = cr - 1)
>> Mapfre_daily_returns <- Mapfre %>%
>>    tq_transmute(select = adjusted,           # this specifies which 
>> column
>> to select
>>                 mutate_fun = periodReturn,   # This specifies what to do
>> with that column
>>                 period = "daily",      # This argument calculates Daily
>> returns
>>                 col_rename = "idr_returns") # renames the column
>> Mapfre_cum_returns <- Mapfre_daily_returns %>%
>>    mutate(cr = cumprod(1 + idr_returns)) %>%      # using the cumprod
>> function
>>    mutate(cumulative_returns = cr - 1)
>> Melia_daily_returns <- Melia %>%
>>    tq_transmute(select = adjusted,           # this specifies which 
>> column
>> to select
>>                 mutate_fun = periodReturn,   # This specifies what to do
>> with that column
>>                 period = "daily",      # This argument calculates Daily
>> returns
>>                 col_rename = "idr_returns") # renames the column
>> Melia_cum_returns <- Melia_daily_returns %>%
>>    mutate(cr = cumprod(1 + idr_returns)) %>%      # using the cumprod
>> function
>>    mutate(cumulative_returns = cr - 1)
>> Merlin_daily_returns <- Merlin %>%
>>    tq_transmute(select = adjusted,           # this specifies which 
>> column
>> to select
>>                 mutate_fun = periodReturn,   # This specifies what to do
>> with that column
>>                 period = "daily",      # This argument calculates Daily
>> returns
>>                 col_rename = "idr_returns") # renames the column
>> Merlin_cum_returns <- Merlin_daily_returns %>%
>>    mutate(cr = cumprod(1 + idr_returns)) %>%      # using the cumprod
>> function
>>    mutate(cumulative_returns = cr - 1)
>> Naturgy_daily_returns <- Naturgy %>%
>>    tq_transmute(select = adjusted,           # this specifies which 
>> column
>> to select
>>                 mutate_fun = periodReturn,   # This specifies what to do
>> with that column
>>                 period = "daily",      # This argument calculates Daily
>> returns
>>                 col_rename = "idr_returns") # renames the column
>> Naturgy_cum_returns <- Naturgy_daily_returns %>%
>>    mutate(cr = cumprod(1 + idr_returns)) %>%      # using the cumprod
>> function
>>    mutate(cumulative_returns = cr - 1)
>> REE_daily_returns <- REE %>%
>>    tq_transmute(select = adjusted,           # this specifies which 
>> column
>> to select
>>                 mutate_fun = periodReturn,   # This specifies what to do
>> with that column
>>                 period = "daily",      # This argument calculates Daily
>> returns
>>                 col_rename = "idr_returns") # renames the column
>> REE_cum_returns <- REE_daily_returns %>%
>>    mutate(cr = cumprod(1 + idr_returns)) %>%      # using the cumprod
>> function
>>    mutate(cumulative_returns = cr - 1)
>> Repsol_daily_returns <- Repsol %>%
>>    tq_transmute(select = adjusted,           # this specifies which 
>> column
>> to select
>>                 mutate_fun = periodReturn,   # This specifies what to do
>> with that column
>>                 period = "daily",      # This argument calculates Daily
>> returns
>>                 col_rename = "idr_returns") # renames the column
>> Repsol_cum_returns <- Repsol_daily_returns %>%
>>    mutate(cr = cumprod(1 + idr_returns)) %>%      # using the cumprod
>> function
>>    mutate(cumulative_returns = cr - 1)
>> SGamesa_daily_returns <- SGamesa %>%
>>    tq_transmute(select = adjusted,           # this specifies which 
>> column
>> to select
>>                 mutate_fun = periodReturn,   # This specifies what to do
>> with that column
>>                 period = "daily",      # This argument calculates Daily
>> returns
>>                 col_rename = "idr_returns") # renames the column
>> SGamesa_cum_returns <- SGamesa_daily_returns %>%
>>    mutate(cr = cumprod(1 + idr_returns)) %>%      # using the cumprod
>> function
>>    mutate(cumulative_returns = cr - 1)
>> Telefonica_daily_returns <- Telefonica %>%
>>    tq_transmute(select = adjusted,           # this specifies which 
>> column
>> to select
>>                 mutate_fun = periodReturn,   # This specifies what to do
>> with that column
>>                 period = "daily",      # This argument calculates Daily
>> returns
>>                 col_rename = "idr_returns") # renames the column
>> Telefonica_cum_returns <- Telefonica_daily_returns %>%
>>    mutate(cr = cumprod(1 + idr_returns)) %>%      # using the cumprod
>> function
>>    mutate(cumulative_returns = cr - 1)
>> Viscofan_daily_returns <- Viscofan %>%
>>    tq_transmute(select = adjusted,           # this specifies which 
>> column
>> to select
>>                 mutate_fun = periodReturn,   # This specifies what to do
>> with that column
>>                 period = "daily",      # This argument calculates Daily
>> returns
>>                 col_rename = "idr_returns") # renames the column
>> Viscofan_cum_returns <- Viscofan_daily_returns %>%
>>    mutate(cr = cumprod(1 + idr_returns)) %>%      # using the cumprod
>> function
>>    mutate(cumulative_returns = cr - 1)
>> Acerinox_daily_returns <- Acerinox %>%
>>    tq_transmute(select = adjusted,           # this specifies which 
>> column
>> to select
>>                 mutate_fun = periodReturn,   # This specifies what to do
>> with that column
>>                 period = "daily",      # This argument calculates Daily
>> returns
>>                 col_rename = "idr_returns") # renames the column
>> Acerinox_cum_returns <- Acerinox_daily_returns %>%
>>    mutate(cr = cumprod(1 + idr_returns)) %>%      # using the cumprod
>> function
>>    mutate(cumulative_returns = cr - 1)
>> Bankia_daily_returns <- Bankia %>%
>>    tq_transmute(select = adjusted,           # this specifies which 
>> column
>> to select
>>                 mutate_fun = periodReturn,   # This specifies what to do
>> with that column
>>                 period = "daily",      # This argument calculates Daily
>> returns
>>                 col_rename = "idr_returns") # renames the column
>> Bankia_cum_returns <- Bankia_daily_returns %>%
>>    mutate(cr = cumprod(1 + idr_returns)) %>%      # using the cumprod
>> function
>>    mutate(cumulative_returns = cr - 1)
>> MasMovil_daily_returns <- MasMovil %>%
>>    tq_transmute(select = adjusted,           # this specifies which 
>> column
>> to select
>>                 mutate_fun = periodReturn,   # This specifies what to do
>> with that column
>>                 period = "daily",      # This argument calculates Daily
>> returns
>>                 col_rename = "idr_returns") # renames the column
>> MasMovil_cum_returns <- MasMovil_daily_returns %>%
>>    mutate(cr = cumprod(1 + idr_returns)) %>%      # using the cumprod
>> function
>>    mutate(cumulative_returns = cr - 1)
>> Indra_daily_returns <- Indra %>%
>>    tq_transmute(select = adjusted,           # this specifies which 
>> column
>> to select
>>                 mutate_fun = periodReturn,   # This specifies what to do
>> with that column
>>                 period = "daily",      # This argument calculates Daily
>> returns
>>                 col_rename = "idr_returns") # renames the column
>> Indra_cum_returns <- Indra_daily_returns %>%
>>    mutate(cr = cumprod(1 + idr_returns)) %>%      # using the cumprod
>> function
>>    mutate(cumulative_returns = cr - 1)
>> bestworst<-c(Acciona_cum_returns[nrow(Acciona_cum_returns),4],
>>               ACS_cum_returns[nrow(ACS_cum_returns),4],
>>               Aena_cum_returns[nrow(Aena_cum_returns),4],
>>               Amadeus_cum_returns[nrow(Amadeus_cum_returns),4],
>> ArcelorMittal_cum_returns[nrow(ArcelorMittal_cum_returns),4],
>>               BBVA_cum_returns[nrow(BBVA_cum_returns),4],
>> Sabadell_cum_returns[nrow(Sabadell_cum_returns),4],
>> Santander_cum_returns[nrow(Santander_cum_returns),4],
>> Bankinter_cum_returns[nrow(Bankinter_cum_returns),4],
>> CaixaBank_cum_returns[nrow(CaixaBank_cum_returns),4],
>>               Cellnex_cum_returns[nrow(Cellnex_cum_returns),4],
>>               Enagas_cum_returns[nrow(Enagas_cum_returns),4],
>>               ENCE_cum_returns[nrow(ENCE_cum_returns),4],
>>               Endesa_cum_returns[nrow(Endesa_cum_returns),4],
>> Ferrovial_cum_returns[nrow(Ferrovial_cum_returns),4],
>>               Grifols_cum_returns[nrow(Grifols_cum_returns),4],
>> Iberdrola_cum_returns[nrow(Iberdrola_cum_returns),4],
>>               Inditex_cum_returns[nrow(Inditex_cum_returns),4],
>> Colonial_cum_returns[nrow(Colonial_cum_returns),4],
>>               IAG_cum_returns[nrow(IAG_cum_returns),4],
>>               Mapfre_cum_returns[nrow(Mapfre_cum_returns),4],
>>               Melia_cum_returns[nrow(Melia_cum_returns),4],
>>               Merlin_cum_returns[nrow(Merlin_cum_returns),4],
>>               Naturgy_cum_returns[nrow(Naturgy_cum_returns),4],
>>               REE_cum_returns[nrow(REE_cum_returns),4],
>>               Repsol_cum_returns[nrow(Repsol_cum_returns),4],
>>               SGamesa_cum_returns[nrow(SGamesa_cum_returns),4],
>> Telefonica_cum_returns[nrow(Telefonica_cum_returns),4],
>> Viscofan_cum_returns[nrow(Viscofan_cum_returns),4],
>> Acerinox_cum_returns[nrow(Acerinox_cum_returns),4],
>>               Bankia_cum_returns[nrow(Bankia_cum_returns),4],
>>               CIE_cum_returns[nrow(CIE_cum_returns),4],
>> MasMovil_cum_returns[nrow(MasMovil_cum_returns),4],
>> Almirall_cum_returns[nrow(Almirall_cum_returns),4],
>>               Indra_cum_returns[nrow(Indra_cum_returns),4])
>> namebw<-c("Acciona",
>>            "ACS",
>>            "Aena",
>>                "Amadeus",
>>            "ArcelorMittal",
>>            "BBVA",
>>            "Sabadell",
>>            "Santander",
>>            "Bankinter",
>>            "CaixaBank",
>>            "Cellnex",
>>                 "Enagas",
>>            "ENCE",
>>                 "Endesa",
>>            "Ferrovial",
>>                 "Grifols",
>>            "Iberdrola",
>>                 "Inditex",
>>            "Colonial",
>>                 "IAG",
>>            "Mapfre",
>>                 "Melia",
>>            "Merlin",
>>                 "Naturgy",
>>            "REE",
>>                 "Repsol",
>>            "SGamesa",
>>                 "Telefonica",
>>            "Viscofan",
>>                 "Acerinox",
>>            "Bankia",
>>                 "CIE",
>>            "MasMovil",
>>                 "Almirall",
>>            "Indra")
>> bwfinal <- matrix(bestworst, nrow =35 , ncol = 1)
>> bwfinal2 <- matrix(namebw, nrow =35 , ncol = 1)
>> bwc<-cbind(bwfinal2,bwfinal)
>> colnames(bwc)=c("Accion","reval")
>> bwc <- as.data.frame(bwc)
>> colnames(bwchist)=c("Accion","reval")
>> bwchist <-as.data.frame(bwc[order(bwc$reval), ])
>>     [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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