[R] Accessing the C++ source associated with the rgl function shade3d
Rasmus Liland
jr@| @end|ng |rom po@teo@no
Thu Jul 30 13:15:32 CEST 2020
On 2020-07-30 05:23 -0400, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
> On 29/07/2020 7:27 p.m., Rasmus Liland wrote:
> > On 2020-07-29 18:04 -0400, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
> > > The arrow3d function is also a pure R
> > > function, but not a generic. You can
> > > see the source by typing "arrow3d".
> >
> > ... but if I type rgl::shade3d, I get
> >
> > > rgl::shade3d
> > function (x, ...)
> > UseMethod("shade3d")
> > <bytecode: 0x562692966fb8>
> > <environment: namespace:rgl>
> That includes the full source code to
> shade3d. Like most generic functions,
> it's a one-liner.
> In the part of my post that you
> deleted, I told the OP where to look
> next.
This part:
> > > type "rgl:::shade3d.mesh3d" and you
> > > can see the full source.
Three colons. I didn't see it at first;
Hmm ... I might have dyslexia or
something ...
So, Byron, this is the code that R
reinterprets from the source,
Rscript -e 'rgl:::arrow3d' | less
Rscript -e 'rgl:::shade3d.mesh3d' | less
so you cannot necessarily grab a line
from there and expect it to look exactly
the same in the source files.
rasmus using beefylinuxbox ~ % grep -R 'paste(allowedMeshColor,' src/rgl
src/rgl/R/mesh3d.R: stop("'meshColor' must be one of: ", paste(allowedMeshColor, collapse = ", "))
rasmus using beefylinuxbox ~ % grep -R 'pi - pi/nbarbs,' src/rgl
1 rasmus using beefylinuxbox ~ % grep -R 'pi/nbarbs,' src/rgl
src/rgl/R/arrow3d.R: phi <- seq(pi/nbarbs, 2*pi-pi/nbarbs, len = nbarbs)
rasmus using beefylinuxbox ~ %
> > https://github.com/cran/rgl/blob/master/R/ashape3d.R
> No, that's not it. That file works
> with mesh3d objects, but it has
> nothing to do with arrows.
... I'm sorry, now I believe
rgl::shade3d.mesh3d and rgl::arrow3d
lives in
Byron, there's a bunch of .cpp and .h
files in
you can look at to find the triangle or
quadrilateral code you're interested in,
I'm not quite sure what to look for
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