[R] Nonlinear logistic regression fitting
Rasmus Liland
jr@| @end|ng |rom po@teo@no
Tue Jul 28 19:04:53 CEST 2020
Dear Sebastien,
On 2020-07-28 14:13 +0000, Sebastien Bihorel wrote:
| Hi
| I need to fit a logistic regression
| model using a saturable
| Michaelis-Menten function of my
| predictor x. The likelihood could be
| expressed as:
| L = intercept + emax * x / (EC50+x)
| Which I guess could be expressed as
| the following R model
| ~ emax*x/(ec50+x)
| As far as I know (please, correct me
| if I am wrong), fitting such a model
| is to not doable with glm, since the
| function is not linear.
| A Stackoverflow post recommends the
| bnlr function from the gnlm
| (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45362548/nonlinear-logistic-regression-package-in-r)...
| I would be grateful for any opinion on
| this package or for any alternative
| recommendation of package/function.
I found base stats has the function
stats::SSmicmen, also this page[1]
mentions stats::nls ...
I found cardioModel::cardioModel ...
You need Google V8[3] which takes
forever to build.
Also the emaxmodel vignette[4] might be
useful, as it mentions both EC50 and
[1] https://dataconomy.com/2017/08/nonlinear-least-square-nonlinear-regression-r/
[2] https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/cardioModel/versions/1.4/topics/cardioModel
[3] https://v8.dev/
[4] https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/rstanemax/vignettes/emaxmodel.html
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