[R] getting raster layer between December and march in 1-year raster

Ben Tupper btupper @end|ng |rom b|ge|ow@org
Tue Jul 28 15:02:49 CEST 2020


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While you have shown your code, you have been very specific about what the
issue is and how you know it is not working.  Without more information, it
really isn't possible for anyone not sitting at your computer to
diagnose the issue you are having.  Can you make a reproducible example
that shows the problem?

Best wishes,

On Tue, Jul 28, 2020 at 3:25 AM ahmet varlı <varli61 using windowslive.com> wrote:

> I am using these codes but it is not work between december and march. I
> want to use dates for select layers  but ı dont know how ı can do
> Could u help me?
> dir.create(dir.out1, showWarnings = F)
> dir.create(dir.out2, showWarnings = F)
> dir.create(dir.out3, showWarnings = F)
> for (year in 1949:2019) {
>   fi <- paste0(dir.in,"soilw2_",year,".nc")
>   r <- brick(fi)
>   d<-rotate(r)
>   ec<-extent(-179.0625, 180.9375, 0, 89.49406  )
>   ed<-extent(-179.0625, 180.9375, -89.49406, 0)
>   c5<-crop(d,ec)
>   c5.1<-crop(d,ed)
>   c6<-calc(c5[[152:243]],fun = mean)
>   c7<-calc(c5.1[[152:243]],fun = mean)
>   fo1 <- paste0(dir.out1,"mean.JUN-AUG.North.2_",year,".tif")
>   fo2 <- paste0(dir.out2,"mean.JUN-AUG.South.2_",year,".tif")
>   writeRaster(c6,file=fo1,overwrite=T)
>   writeRaster(c7,file=fo2,overwrite=T)   }
> Windows 10 için Posta<https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> ile
> gönderildi
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Ben Tupper
Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Science
East Boothbay, Maine

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