[R] Help with read.csv.sql()

Rasmus Liland jr@| @end|ng |rom po@teo@no
Sun Jul 19 05:42:54 CEST 2020

On 2020-07-18 18:09 +0100, Rui Barradas wrote:
| Às 17:59 de 18/07/2020, H escreveu:
| | On Fri, Jul 17, 2020 at 6:28 PM H <agents using meddatainc.com> wrote:
| | | 
| | | The problem I am having is that 
| | | the csv files have header rows 
| | | with column names that are 
| | | slightly different from the column 
| | | names I have assigned in the 
| | | dataframe and it seems that when I 
| | | read the csv data into the 
| | | dataframe, the column names from 
| | | the csv file replace the column 
| | | names I chose when creating the 
| | | dataframe.
| | | 
| | | A secondary issue is that the csv 
| | | files have a column with a date in 
| | | mm/dd/yyyy format that I would 
| | | like to make into a Date type 
| | | column in my dataframe. Again, I 
| | | have been unable to find a way - 
| | | if at all possible - to force a 
| | | conversion into a Date format when 
| | | importing into the dataframe. The 
| | | best I have so far is to import is 
| | | a character column and then use 
| | | as.Date() to later force the 
| | | conversion of the dataframe 
| | | column.
| | 
| | The documentation for read.csv.sql() 
| | suggests that colClasses() and/or 
| | field.types() should work but I may 
| | well have misunderstood the 
| | documentation, hence my question in 
| | this group.
| As for colClasses, those are R class 
| names.

Ok Mister H, I might have hit the nail 
on the head this time with this badass 
example for your usecase:

	# Make a csv with %d/%m/%Y dates in it ...
	Lines <- "STM05-1 2005/02/28 17:35 Good -35.562 177.158
	STM05-1 2005/02/28 19:44 Good -35.487 177.129
	STM05-1 2005/02/28 23:01 Unknown -35.399 177.064
	STM05-1 2005/03/01 07:28 Unknown -34.978 177.268
	STM05-1 2005/03/01 18:06 Poor -34.799 177.027
	STM05-1 2005/03/01 18:47 Poor -34.85 177.059
	STM05-2 2005/02/28 12:49 Good -35.928 177.328
	STM05-2 2005/02/28 21:23 Poor -35.926 177.314
	DF <- read.table(textConnection(Lines), as.is = TRUE,
	  col.names = c("Id", "Date", "Time", "Quality", "Lat", "Long"))
	DF$Date <- format(as.Date(DF$Date, "%Y/%m/%d"), "%d/%m/%Y")
	write.csv(DF, file="df.csv", row.names=FALSE)
	colClasses <-
	sql <- paste0(
	  "select ",
	    "date(",  # [2]
	      "substr(Date, 8, 4) || '-' || ",  # [1]
	      "substr(Date, 5, 2) || '-' || ",
	      "substr(Date, 2, 2)), Long, Lat, Quality ",
	  "from ff where Quality like '%oo%' and Long>177.129")
	ff <- file(description="df.csv", open="r")
	dat <- sqldf::read.csv.sql(
	  sql=sql, colClasses=colClasses)

Both sqlite and Postgres has a function 
substr you can call on strings like 
this.[5]  I have a hunch this has always 
been possible in sql from way back ... 

The warning from sqldf about unused 
connections, might suggest file 
descriptor handling to be a bit crusty 
... [3] 

The thing is, defining the second column 
as of type Date in colClasses happens to 
work, but it's still character when you 
check with str(dat) ... perhaps it has 
something to do with this info from [4]: 

	as_tibble_row() converts a vector to 
	a tibble with one row. The input 
	must be a bare vector, e.g. vectors 
	of dates are not supported yet. If 
	the input is a list, all elements 
	must have length one.

[1] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15563656/convert-string-to-date-in-sqlite
[2] https://www.sqlite.org/lang_datefunc.html
[3] https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/sqldf/mcQ_K_E--q8
[4] https://tibble.tidyverse.org/reference/as_tibble.html
[5] https://www.sqlite.org/lang_corefunc.html#substr, 

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