[R] Can I pass the grouped portions of a dataframe/tibble to a function in dplyr
Rui Barradas
ru|pb@rr@d@@ @end|ng |rom @@po@pt
Sun Jul 5 13:16:19 CEST 2020
I forgot to say I redid the data set setting the RNG seed first.
n <- 50
x <- 1:n
y <- sample(1:3, n, replace = TRUE)
z <- rnorm(n)
tib <- tibble(x,y,z)
Also, don't do
If one of the variables is of a different class (example, "character")
all variables are coerced to the least common denominator. It's much
better to call tibble() or data.frame() directly.
Hope this helps,
Rui Barradas
Às 12:04 de 05/07/2020, Rui Barradas escreveu:
> Hello,
> You can pass a grouped tibble to a function with grouped_modify but the
> function must return a data.frame (or similar).
> ## this will also do it
> #sillyFun <- function(tib){
> # tibble(nrow = nrow(tib), ncol = ncol(tib))
> #}
> sillyFun <- function(tib){
> data.frame(nrow = nrow(tib), ncol = ncol(tib)))
> }
> tib %>%
> group_by(y) %>%
> group_modify(~ sillyFun(.))
> ## A tibble: 3 x 3
> ## Groups: y [3]
> # y nrow ncol
> # <dbl> <int> <int>
> #1 1 17 2
> #2 2 21 2
> #3 3 12 2
> Hope this helps,
> Rui Barradas
> Às 09:43 de 05/07/2020, Chris Evans escreveu:
>> Apologies if this is a stupid question but searching keeps getting
>> things I know and don't need.
>> What I want to do is to use the group-by() power of dplyr to run
>> functions that expect a dataframe/tibble per group but I can't see how
>> do it. Here is a reproducible example.
>> ### create trivial tibble
>> n <- 50
>> x <- 1:n
>> y <- sample(1:3, n, replace = TRUE)
>> z <- rnorm(n)
>> tib <- as_tibble(cbind(x,y,z))
>> ### create trivial function that expects a tibble/data frame
>> sillyFun <- function(tib){
>> return(list(nrow = nrow(tib),
>> ncol = ncol(tib)))
>> }
>> ### works fine on the whole tibble
>> tib %>%
>> summarise(dim = list(sillyFun(.))) %>%
>> unnest_wider(dim)
>> That gives me:
>> # A tibble: 1 x 2
>> nrow ncol
>> <int> <int>
>> 1 50 3
>> ### So I try the following hoping to apply the function to the grouped
>> tibble
>> tib %>%
>> group_by(y) %>%
>> summarise(dim = list(sillyFun(.))) %>%
>> unnest_wider(dim)
>> ### But that gives me:
>> # A tibble: 3 x 3
>> y nrow ncol
>> <dbl> <int> <int>
>> 1 1 50 3
>> 2 2 50 3
>> 3 3 50 3
>> Clearly "." is still passing the whole tibble, not the grouped
>> subsets. What I can't find is whether there is an alternative to "."
>> that would pass just the grouped subset of the tibble.
>> I have bodged my way around this by writing a function that takes
>> individual columns and reassembles them into a data frame that the
>> actual functions I need to use require but that takes me back to a lot
>> of clumsiness both selecting the variables to pass in the dplyr call
>> to the function and putting the reassemble-to-data-frame bit in the
>> function I call. (The functions I really need are reliability
>> explorations and can called on whole dataframes.)
>> I know I can do this using base R split and lapply but I feel sure it
>> must be possible to do this within dplyr/tidyverse. I'm slowly
>> transferring most of my code to the tidyverse and hitting frustrations
>> but also finding that it does really help me program more sensibly,
>> handle relational data structures more easily, and write code that I
>> seem better at reading when I come back to it after months on other
>> things so I am slowly trying to move all my coding to tidyverse. If I
>> could see how to do this, it would help.
>> Very sorry if the answer should be blindingly obvious to me. I'd also
>> love to have pointers to guidance to the tidyverse written for people
>> who aren't professional coders or statisticians and that go a bit
>> beyond the obvious basics of tidyverse into issues like this.
>> TIA,
>> Chris
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