[R] Unintended behaviour (possibly bugs)

John Kane jrkr|de@u @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Sun Feb 16 17:31:23 CET 2020

Try aa <- as.matrix(table(c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3)))
dotchart(aa, ylab="Ylab")

It may wock

On Sun, 16 Feb 2020 at 07:22, Alexey Shipunov <dactylorhiza using gmail.com>

> Dear list,
> I have been advised to share these with R-help instead of filling the
> bug report:
> 1) dotchart() does not allow to see the left axis title ('ylab') and
> cannot change the left margin (outer margin 2) of the plot
> The code:
> aa <- table(c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3))
> dotchart(aa, ylab="Ylab") # does not show 'ylab'
> old.par <- par(mar=c(1, 10, 1, 1)) ; dotchart(aa, ylab="Ylab") ;
> par(old.par) # does not change left margin
> Possible solution:
> I researched the problem and think that the dotchart() code will need
> few corrections. If there is an interest, I can post it here; or you
> can look at the code of shipunov::Dotchart1() function.
> 2) example(hist) includes two "wrong" and "extreme" examples which
> slow down and even crash R on some systems; this make it unsuitable
> for demonstration in the class and strikes beginners in R who just
> want to understand how hist() works. Actually, I did it last week (I
> was not aware of these examples), and in the class two computers hang,
> and many others were extremely slow.
> The code:
> example(hist)
> Possible solution:
> If R maintainers will enclose parts of "hist" example in \dontrun{},
> this will allow to see the code but in the same time will not strike
> beginners in R who just
> want to understand how hist() works. They will still be possible to
> run with example(..., run.dontrun=TRUE).
> With best wishes,
> Alexey Shipunov
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John Kane
Kingston ON Canada

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