[R] Save Results in svg format

David Winsemius dw|n@em|u@ @end|ng |rom comc@@t@net
Fri Dec 4 06:10:14 CET 2020

On 12/3/20 7:12 PM, Anas Jamshed wrote:
> #Loading the required libraries
> library(ape)
> library(phangorn)
> library(seqinr)
> #Importing the required file
> align_5 <- read.alignment("C:/Users/VAMSI/align 5.fasta", format = "fast")
> align_119 <- read.alignment("C:/Users/VAMSI/align 119.fasta", format = "fasta")
> Computing the distance matrix for both UPGMA and NJ algorithms implementation.
>   matrix_5x5 <- dist.alignment(align_5, matrix = "identity")
> summary(matrix_5x5)
> matrix_119x119 <- dist.alignment(align_119, matrix = "identity")
> summary(matrix_119x119)
> #Implementation of UPGMA algorithm for a small matrix (5x5) and entire
> matrix (119x119)
> UPGMA_5x5 <- upgma(matrix_5x5)
> UPGMA_119x119 <- upgma(matrix_119x119)
> summary(UPGMA_5x5)
> summary(UPGMA_119x119)
> #Implementation of NJ algorithm for a small matrix (5x5) and entire
> matrix (119x119)
> NJ_5x5 <- NJ(matrix_5x5)
> NJ_119x119 <- NJ(matrix_119x119)
> summary(NJ_5x5)
> summary(NJ_119x119)
> I have done this whole analysis but don't know how can I  the save my
> tree file in svg or some other image format

SVG format is for graphics. I don't see any R graphics calls or anything 
I recognize as a "tree". (Perhaps the summary function for objects 
returned from `upgma` include graphics? I surely do not know.)

Cairo graphics is supported in the grDevices package. It should be 
loaded by default. Have your tried this at your console:




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