[R] Would Like Some Advice

Robert D. Bowers M.A. n4|bz @end|ng |rom t@mp@b@y@rr@com
Sat Aug 29 17:54:16 CEST 2020

Besides monitization, Windows has a few other things that infuriate 
me... (1) VERY hard to control updates, (2) "sneaker" updates - things 
installed that people don't want (like trying to force Windows computer 
owners to update - and sometimes wrecking the computer when it does), 
(3) bad updates - suddenly you find features or programs you use all the 
time not working, and you have to find out which update (or combination) 
broke your software and remove them, and worst of all IMO - there used 
to be things you could do with Windows that have been completely stopped 
- configurations and ways of increasing REAL security (not just 
protecting profits) and making the system that much more efficient.  
When I purchase a computer - I don't want some corporation forcing me to 
fit ITS stereotypes - I want total control over it and I will be the one 
making the final decisions about it (including what I do with it and the 
software I use).  (I should add that I often have to spend hours helping 
my wife with her work computer - W10, because of updates breaking her 
work software or other problems.)

I dumped Windows in 2010 - although I'd been using Linux off and on 
before then.  You see, I was finishing up my Thesis using Office, and no 
matter what I did - Office would scramble the format into what IT 
thought was right (and creating all sorts of "Widows and Orphans" and 
other format errors not matching my school's requirements).  I had to 
export the thesis into text format and load it into OpenOffice - instant 
cure of the headaches.  Also, back in 2007, there was a "security" 
update to Windows media player (I forget the name).  I was using it to 
save a video I'd taken the summer before while camping - of a black bear 
walking through our campsite.  Their software popped up a very nasty 
message that I didn't have the right to a video I HAD TAKEN MYSELF... 
and deleted every copy and version from my computer.  No backups yet... 
total loss.  Microsoft suddenly sent out a new update after I'd lost the 
video and that problem vanished, but we had friends at that time who 
also experienced the same thing (even music one person had written and 
recorded).  I think you can see why I support Linux.

Linux - for the most part, you have total control over what goes in your 
computer - which can be both good and bad (if you're not careful).  I 
myself prefer Ubuntu with the Gnome (old style) desktop - I'm a firm 
believer of "If it's not broken, don't fix it!!!".  The desktop is a 
personal preference thing.  I also very much like stability in my 
computer - so if that is important, avoid the experimental and stick 
with the LTS (Long Term Support) versions. (There are people who are 
always after the "latest and greatest" and they sometimes forget that 
not everyone has the same interests they do!)

Another drawback of Linux... software can lose support (the author gets 
tired of it) - as I've experienced a few times, or "updates" to core 
modules in the OS itself (more of the "if it's not broken don't fix 
it!!!" stuff) that break entire packages because of internal changes.  
Sometimes programmers forget about backwards compatibility... and that 
not everyone wants "the latest and greatest" at all.  I also firmly 
believe that if equipment does the job to your satisfaction, it is NOT 
'obsolete'.  I don't support throwaway culture.

There is also this problem - many software authors don't think to export 
their program to Linux, or don't want to bother.  Some may even be 
pressured into only doing Windows.  I use Windows 7 (I absolutely HATE 
10) in a virtual machine when I have software that is Windows only 
(often Paid-for software, where nothing else will do the job or where 
the equipment it runs will only work with specific software).  That's 
the only case where I willingly use Windows.

I would finish by saying I use Ubuntu LTS with Gnome because of the wide 
variety of programs I use, besides the usual Word 
Processor/Email/Browser that usually comes with the OS.  I use my 
computer for Amateur Radio, research (document research, but also doing 
things like XRF calibration curves, radiocarbon dating correction, 
optical spectroscopy work, and so on), and rarely for games - plus I do 
like to watch videos and movies now and then. There are specialized 
"flavors" of Linux that might fit one's need better.  Oh, and using 
Linux often requires a bit more knowledge (to really be able to utilize 
it) than Windows - but then, that also depends on the flavor.

BTW - I don't use R like I used to, but have always had good luck with 
it running under Linux.  I don't know how it works under Windows - maybe 
someone can speak to that.

I hope this is helpful!


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