[R] incompatible dimensions error
Andrew Halford
@ndrew@h@||ord @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Tue Aug 25 07:05:13 CEST 2020
Hi Listers
Using mvpart to run a MV regression tree with PCA= TRUE to get a PCA
plotted with sites coloured according to the tree output.
Unfortunately it wont produce the PCA, instead giving the error message..
Error in cor(xall, xx[order(tree$where), ]) : incompatible dimensions.
However, when I run a PCA on the data using the rda command I have no
problems producing a PCA.
data is attached as a text file
my code is thus...
fish05.hel <- decostand(fish05,"hellinger")
fish05.mrt <-
The tree is produced no problem but it wont produce a PCA.
I am just keen to understand what this error means as I dont see anything
unusual about the dataset used, notwithstanding the data is rather messy.
Andrew Halford Ph.D
Senior Coastal Fisheries Scientist
Pacific Community | Communauté du Pacifique CPS – B.P. D5 | 98848 Noumea,
New Caledonia | Nouméa, Nouvelle-Calédonie
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