[R] Rotation Forest Error Message
Sparks, John
j@p@rk4 @end|ng |rom u|c@edu
Fri Aug 21 20:08:39 CEST 2020
Thanks Abby and Rasumus.
I like to leave the solution on this list for the next potential person.
I had failed to realize that this package doesn't use one of the formula forms. So my call of
is what caused the error.
After converting to the appropriate form
It ran just fine.
Thanks again.
--John Sparks
From: Rasmus Liland <jral using posteo.no>
Sent: Friday, August 21, 2020 3:18 AM
To: Abby Spurdle <spurdle.a using gmail.com>
Cc: Sparks, John <jspark4 using uic.edu>; R-help <r-help using r-project.org>
Subject: Re: [R] Rotation Forest Error Message
On 2020-08-21 16:22 +1200, Abby Spurdle wrote:
| On Fri, Aug 21, 2020 at 4:16 PM Abby Spurdle <spurdle.a using gmail.com> wrote:
| | On Fri, Aug 21, 2020 at 1:06 PM Sparks, John <jspark4 using uic.edu> wrote:
| | |
| | | Hi R Helpers,
| | |
| | | I wanted to try the rotationForest
| | | package.
| | |
| | | I pointed it at my data set and
| | | got the error message "Error in if
| | | (K >= ncol(x)) stop("K should not
| | | be greater than or equal to the
| | | number of columns in x") :
| | | argument is of length zero'.
| | |
| | | My dataset has 3688 obs. of 111 variables.
| | |
| | | Would a quick adjustment to the
| | | default value of K resolve this?
| | |
| | | If anybody with more experience
| | | with the package than me has a
| | | general suggestion I would
| | | appreciate it.
| |
| | Note that I'm not familiar with this
| | package or the method. Also note
| | that you haven't told anyone what
| | function you're using, or what your
| | call was.
| |
| | I'm assuming that you're using the
| | rotationForest() function.
| | According to its help page, the
| | default is:
| |
| | K = round(ncol(x)/3, 0)
| |
| | There's no reason why the default K
| | value should be higher than the
| | number of columns, unless:
| | (1) There's a bug with the package; or
| | (2) There's a problem with your input.
| |
| | I note that the package is only
| | version 0.1.3, so a bug is not out
| | of the question. Also, I'm a little
| | surprised the author didn't use
| | integer division:
| |
| | K = ncol(x) %/% 3
| |
| | You could just set K to the above
| | value, and see what happens...
| Just re-read your question and
| realized I misread the error message.
| The argument is of zero length.
| But the conclusion is the same, either
| a bug in the package, or a problem
| with your input.
Dear John,
check to see if your columns only has
numbers in them like the *de jure* iris
dataset used in the example in
idx <- 1:100
idx.new <- which(!(1:nrow(iris) %in% idx))
y <- as.factor(ifelse(iris$Species[idx]=="setosa", 0, 1))
x <- iris[idx, -5]
newdata <- iris[idx.new, -5]
K <- ncol(x) %/% 3
L <- 100
rF <-
predict(object=rF, newdata=newdata)
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