[R] Trouble getting labels for bars in Pareto Chart
Rasmus Liland
jr@| @end|ng |rom po@teo@no
Thu Aug 20 01:08:39 CEST 2020
Dear Paul, I answer inline:
On 2020-08-19 16:27 -0500, Paul Bernal wrote:
| I tried using the function
| pareto.chart from the qcc package, but
| the names of the columns in the pareto
| chart are some codes
What codes? Can you please elaborate on
| that do not match the school names in
| the School column of dataset2.
Does this mean there exists a third
hidden vector not included in dataset2
which conflicts with dataset2$School?
| The graph is generated without any
| issues,
| it's just that I want the bars
| to have the school labels, how can I
| accomplish this?
So as ?qcc::pareto.chart states,
qcc::pareto.chart needs a vector of
values, data, and names(data) can be
used to label the bars, there are also
some examples at the bottom.
Just doing this makes the labels show
points <- dataset2$Points
names(points) <- dataset2$School
main="Pareto Chart for School Points")
Was this what you were looking to do?
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