[R] combine filter() and select()
Ivan Calandra
c@|@ndr@ @end|ng |rom rgzm@de
Wed Aug 19 16:56:32 CEST 2020
Dear useRs,
I'm new to the tidyverse world and I need some help on basic things.
I have the following tibble:
mytbl <- structure(list(files = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"), prop =
1:6), row.names = c(NA, -6L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))
I want to subset the rows with "a" in the column "files", and keep only
that column.
So I did:
myfile <- mytbl %>%
filter(grepl("a", files)) %>%
It works, but I believe there must be an easier way to combine filter()
and select(), right?
Thank you!
Dr. Ivan Calandra
TraCEr, laboratory for Traceology and Controlled Experiments
MONREPOS Archaeological Research Centre and
Museum for Human Behavioural Evolution
Schloss Monrepos
56567 Neuwied, Germany
+49 (0) 2631 9772-243
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