[R] & and |

Ivan Calandra c@|@ndr@ @end|ng |rom rgzm@de
Wed Aug 19 16:46:05 CEST 2020

Dear useRs,

I feel really stupid, but I cannot understand why "&" doesn't work as I
expect, while "|" does.

I have the following vector:
mydata <- c("SSFA-ConfoMap_GuineaPigs_NMPfilled.csv",
"SSFA-ConfoMap_Sheeps_NMPfilled.csv", "SSFA-Toothfrax_GuineaPigs.xlsx",
"SSFA-Toothfrax_Lithics.xlsx", "SSFA-Toothfrax_Sheeps.xlsx")
and I want to find the values that include both "ConfoMap" and "GuineaPigs".

If I do:
grep("ConfoMap&GuineaPigs", mydata, value=TRUE)
it returns an empty vector, character(0).

But if I do:
grep("ConfoMap|GuineaPigs", mydata, value=TRUE)
it returns all the elements that include either "ConfoMap" or
"GuineaPigs", as I would expect.

So what is wrong with my "&" construct? How can I return the elements
that include both parts?

Thank you for your help!

Dr. Ivan Calandra
TraCEr, laboratory for Traceology and Controlled Experiments
MONREPOS Archaeological Research Centre and
Museum for Human Behavioural Evolution
Schloss Monrepos
56567 Neuwied, Germany
+49 (0) 2631 9772-243

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