[R] R Script Modification Questions
Rasmus Liland
jr@| @end|ng |rom po@teo@no
Wed Aug 19 02:48:28 CEST 2020
Dear Stephen, I reply you inline:
On 2020-08-18 11:09 -0700, Bert Gunter wrote:
| On Tue, Aug 18, 2020 at 10:10 AM Stephen P. Molnar <s.molnar using sbcglobal.net> wrote:
| |
| | Thanks to the kind folks on this
| | list, this is an elegant replacement
| | for the clumsy R script that I that
| | I wrote.
| |
| |
| |
| |
| 1. Generally you should make your
| posts self-contained -- I see no
| line 14's or 33's or whatever. Note
| that you did not continue the old
| thread either. I have no desire to
| go poking around in previous
| threads (others certainly may!).
There were a bunch of blank lines in
this area. Maybe you put your script
here in a picture or something which
disappeared somewhere in the guts of the
stat.ethz.ch mailfilter.
| | However, I do have a few changes
| | that I would like to make. The
| | problem is that while I know how to
| | make changes in Python, I am still
| | bumbling around in R Code.
I came from python to R some years ago,
and it is easier I think, if you spend
some time on it.
| | The day-to-day changes in the data
| | are in the cvs file downloaded in
| | line 11 of the code.
Good, now provide line 11.
| | What I would like to do is use
| | linetype, rather than color, in line
| | 27.
You can specify linetype as an argument
to ggplot2::aes instead of color.
Perhaps try this, if it is what you did.
This should also be easy in normal plot,
see ?par.
| | The date in the title of the plot ,
| | line 33, is the max value of the
| | date in in line 14 and I would like
| | to use that rather than edit the
| | Script every time the date changes.
| 2. Re: max of dates.
| max(as.Date(c("1976-04-07","1982-02-22")))
| [1] "1982-02-22"
| You seem to be asking basic questions
| that indicate a need to spend some
| time with R tutorials, in this case S3
| methods and dates. See ?"date-time"
| for a terse but dense explanation;
| numerous web tutorials are available
| that are more suitable for most of us
| learning new R or R package features.
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