[R] an error message in getNOAA.bathy function

Rasmus Liland jr@| @end|ng |rom po@teo@no
Tue Aug 18 16:36:37 CEST 2020

On 2020-08-18 22:59 +0900, Joon-Taek Yoo wrote:
| Dear Helpers,
| I am trying to draw a map of East Asia 
| using the getNOAA.bathy () 
| function(package marmap) in R. I'v got 
| a following error message.
| > dat <- getNOAA.bathy(110, 160, 20, 60, res=4, keep=T)
| Querying NOAA database ...
| This may take seconds to minutes, depending on grid size
| Error in .local(.Object, ...) :
|   schannel: next InitializeSecurityContext failed: SEC_E_ILLEGAL_MESSAGE
| (0x80090326) - This error usually occurs when a fatal SSL/TLS alert is
| received (e.g. handshake failed).
| I appreciate any hint. Please could 
| you help me.

Dear Joon-Taek,

perhaps «turning off» SSL helps, by 
setting these options:

	options("ssl_verifyhost"=0, "ssl_verifypeer"=0)

I get another error (with SSL turned 

	> dat <- marmap::getNOAA.bathy(110, 160, 20, 60, res=4, keep=T)
	Registered S3 methods overwritten by 'adehabitatMA':
	  method                       from
	  print.SpatialPixelsDataFrame sp
	  print.SpatialPixels          sp
	Querying NOAA database ...
	This may take seconds to minutes, depending on grid size
	Error in if (ncol(x) == 3 & !exists("bathy", inherits = FALSE)) { :
	  argument is of length zero

How do I even know what x is there, or 
if "bathy" exists ...


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