[R] Reorganize the data (dplyr or other packages?)

Rasmus Liland jr@| @end|ng |rom po@teo@no
Mon Aug 17 21:09:17 CEST 2020

On 2020-08-17 10:09 -0700, Bert Gunter wrote:
| On Mon, Aug 17, 2020 at 9:53 AM Rasmus Liland wrote:
| |
| | Also, stack is also possible to use:
| |
| | 	tab <- structure(list(
| | 	date = c("2019M08", "2019M09", "2019M10"),
| | 	down = c(0.01709827, 0.02094724, 0.01750911),
| | 	uc = c(0.2653882, 0.2265797, 0.245003),
| | 	up = c(0.7175136, 0.7524731, 0.7374879)),
| | 	class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -3L))
| |
| | 	out <- utils::stack(x=tab, select=-date)
| | 	colnames(out) <- c("percentage", "direction")
| | 	out$date <- tab$date
| | 	out <- out[,sort(colnames(out))]
| Well, not that there is anything 
| "wrong" with previous suggestions, but 
| it is pretty straightforward just with 
| base R functionality:
| > nm <- names(tab)[2:4]
| > with(tab, data.frame(date = rep(date, length(nm)),
| +                      direction = rep(nm, e = 3),
| +                      percentage = do.call(c, tab[, nm]))
| +      )

This is good :)  You can also use unlist 
directly instead of do.call(c, ...)

	nm <- names(tab)[2:4]
	  direction=rep(nm, each=length(nm)),



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