[R] Ggplot2 Line Problem
Stephen P. Molnar
@@mo|n@r @end|ng |rom @bcg|ob@|@net
Mon Aug 17 03:00:58 CEST 2020
I have cobbled together a short script to plot Covid-19 data.
datO <- read.csv("https://api.covidtracking.com/v1/states/oh/daily.csv")
datO[ ,1] <- ymd(datO[ ,1])
dfO <- tibble::as_tibble(data.frame(datO[ ,"date"],datO[
,"positive"],datO[ ,"negative"],datO[ ,"total"]))
dfO %>%
ggplot(aes(x = datO[ ,"date"],y = datO[ ,"positive"]))+
geom_point(color = 'red', size = 0.025)+
geom_point(y = datO[ ,"negative"], color = 'blue', size = 0.025)+
geom_point(y = datO[ ,"total"], color = "green", size = 0.025)+
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=30, hjust=1))+
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,1750000))+
labs(x = "Date", y = "Number of Tests")+
ggtitle("COVID-19 Tests in Ohio \n (8/15/20)")+
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))+
scale_fill_discrete(name = "Test", labels = c("Positive", "Negative",
Here is the plot:
but, if I want lines rather that the code (the aspplicable plines) uis:
ggplot(aes(x = datO[ ,"date"],y = datO[ ,"positive"]))+
geom_line(linetype = "solid",color = 'red')+
geom_line(linetype = "dotdash",y = datO[ ,"negative"], color = 'blue')+
geom_line(linetype = "twodash",y = datO[ ,"total"], color = "green")+
Now two of the plots are reversed. Google has not been a friend in
finding a solution.
Help will be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance
Stephen P. Molnar, Ph.D.
614.312.7528 (c)
Skype: smolnar1
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