[R] project path in Rmd

Rui Barradas ru|pb@rr@d@@ @end|ng |rom @@po@pt
Thu Apr 2 11:21:47 CEST 2020


This is not an answer to the original problem, it's about '..'. (And a 
bit more.)

About '..', see if the following sequence of instructions can help.
Subdirectories '~/tmp' and '~/snap' exist on my PC, change to 
'~/analysis/scripts' or to what makes sense on yours.

od <- getwd()          # save this for later

setwd('~/tmp')         #
list.files('../snap')  # goes up one level and
                        # executes a SO/files related command
curr <- getwd()
basename(curr)         # these two instructions are meant to show that
dirname(curr)          # you don't need to know how many levels you have
                        # to go up, you can parse 'curr' if basename and
                        # dirname are not enough

setwd(od)              # back to where I was

Hope this helps,

Rui Barradas

Às 10:02 de 02/04/20, Ivan Calandra escreveu:
> I do not know this ".." command (could you please show me how to use it
> in a relative path?), but it sounds like a good start.
> But it implies that I know in advance how many folders up the parent
> directory is. I guess in most cases it will always be the same, but it
> would be even better if it could be applied generically.
> As I said, ideally, I would like to get the project directory from a
> script located in a subfolder.
> Thanks!
> Ivan
> --
> Dr. Ivan Calandra
> TraCEr, laboratory for Traceology and Controlled Experiments
> MONREPOS Archaeological Research Centre and
> Museum for Human Behavioural Evolution
> Schloss Monrepos
> 56567 Neuwied, Germany
> +49 (0) 2631 9772-243
> https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ivan_Calandra
> On 02/04/2020 10:54, Ivan Krylov wrote:
>> On Thu, 2 Apr 2020 10:30:29 +0200
>> Ivan Calandra <calandra using rgzm.de> wrote:
>>> The problem I then have is to specify the path for 'raw_data' and
>>> 'derived_data' <...> And these folders are not subfolders of
>>> the working directory '~/analysis/scripts'.
>>> I would like to avoid absolute paths of course
>> Is there a reason to avoid relative paths built using '..' to access
>> parent directories?
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