[R] error in train function

javed khan j@vedbtk111 @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Fri Nov 1 19:27:35 CET 2019


I receive the following error, where is the problem?

Error in train(Effort ~ ., data = d, method = "lpSVM", trControl =
fitControl,  :
  unused arguments (data = d, method = "lpSVM", trControl = fitControl,
verbose = FALSE, metric = "ROC")

The code is here

fitControl <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv",
                           number = 10,
                           repeats = 10,
                              classProbs = TRUE,
                        summaryFunction = twoClassSummary)

myGrid <-  expand.grid(interaction.depth = c(1, 5, 9),
                        n.trees = (1:30)*50,
                        shrinkage = 0.1,
                        n.minobsinnode = 20)
Fit3 <- train(Effort ~ ., data = d,
                 method = "lpSVM",
                 trControl = fitControl,
                 verbose = FALSE, metric = "ROC")

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