[R] Tying to underdressed the magic of lm redux
Bert Gunter
bgunter@4567 @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Thu May 30 03:59:20 CEST 2019
Basically, huh?
> df <- data.frame(a = 1:3, b = letters[1:3])
> nm <- names(df)
> print(df[,nm[1]])
[1] 1 2 3
> print(df[,nm[2]])
[1] a b c
Levels: a b c
This can be done within a function, of course:
> demo <- function(df, colnames){
+ print(df[,colnames])
+ }
> demo(df,c("a","b"))
a b
1 1 a
2 2 b
3 3 c
Am I missing something? (Apologies, if so).
Bert Gunter
On Wed, May 29, 2019 at 6:40 PM Sorkin, John <jsorkin using som.umaryland.edu>
> Thanks to several kind people, I understand how to use
> deparse(substitute(paramter)) to get as text strings the arguments passed
> to an R function. What I still can't do is put the text strings recovered
> by deparse(substitute(parameter)) back together to get the columns of a
> dataframe passed to the function. What I want to do is pass a column name
> to a function along with the name of the dataframe and then, within the
> function access the column of the dataframe.
> I want the function below to print the columns of the dataframe testdata,
> i.e. testdata[,"FSG"] and testdata[,"GCM"]. I have tried several ways to
> tell the function to print the columns; none of them work.
> I thank everyone who has helped in the past, and those people who will
> help me now!
> John
> testdata <- structure(list(FSG = c(271L, 288L, 269L, 297L, 311L, 217L,
> 235L,
> 172L, 201L, 162L), CGM = c(205L, 273L,
> 226L, 235L, 311L, 201L,
> 203L, 155L, 182L, 163L)), row.names =
> c(NA, 10L), class = "data.frame")
> cat("This is the data frame")
> class(testdata)
> testdata
> BAPlot <- function(first,second,indata){
> # these lines of code work
> col1 <- deparse(substitute(first))
> col2 <- deparse(substitute(second))
> thedata <- deparse(substitute(third))
> print(col1)
> print(col2)
> print(thedata)
> cat("This gets the data, but not as a dataframe\n")
> zoop<-paste(indata)
> print(zoop)
> cat("End This gets the data, but not as a dataframe\n")
> # these lines do not work
> print(indata[,first])
> print(indata[,"first"])
> print(thedata[,col1])
> paste(zoop[,paste(first)])
> paste(zoop[,first])
> zap<-paste(first)
> print(zap)
> }
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