[R] Loading EDF files
Marcelo Mariano Silva
m@rce|om@r|@no@||v@ @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Fri May 3 15:31:35 CEST 2019
Dear All,
I have tried to load an EDF file using the code below and I received the
following massage :
Error in signals[[sn]]$signal[nextInCSignal[sn]:lastOne] <- samples[[sn]] :
replacement has length zero
What this massage means?
Is there any problem with the EDF file?
Code used:
hdr <- readEdfHeader("/lasse/neurobit/edf/medidas/g1/G1medida1.edf");
df_id1 <- readEdfSignals(hdr, signals = "All", from = 0, till = Inf,
physical = TRUE, fragments = TRUE, recordStarts = TRUE, mergeASignals =
TRUE, simplify = TRUE);
Any help would be highly appreciated.
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