[R] How to change the number of bins?

wong bowie bow|ewongg @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Sun Mar 10 21:54:37 CET 2019

I wish to calculate the weight of evidence of a variable x, which is
positively skewed, with over 6000 of the observations are 999 but only 200
range from 1-27. I used the code,


However, no matter what number I used in bins parameter, I can only get 2
bins, [1,27] and [999,999]. Is there any way I can look into the [1,27]
closely because they represent a lot? The output from R is shown below,

    pdays        N   Percent     WOE       IV
    1 [1,27]    243  0.03807584  2.6743166 0.5267751
    2 [999,999] 6139 0.96192416 -0.2230081 0.5707022

Thank you very much!!

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