[R] Output for pasting multiple vectors
Spencer Brackett
@pbr@ckett20 @end|ng |rom @@|ntjo@ephh@@com
Tue Jun 25 17:58:47 CEST 2019
The following is what I have implemented thus far...
The file object for the two files listed in lines 1-2 was set in my working
directory, and are under the folder "Vakul's GBM Code"... hence the source
of the odd 'prefix' for .txt files shown
>library(data.table)>.anno = as.data.frame(fread(file = "~Vakul's GBM
Code/mapper.txt", sep ="\t", header = T))
>meth = read.table(file = "~Vakul's GBM Code/GBM.txt", sep ="\t", header =
T, row.names = 1)
>meth = as.matrix(meth)
## the loop just formats the methylation column names to match format ##
colnames(meth) = sapply(colnames(meth), function(i){
c1 = strsplit(i,split ='\\', fixed = T)[[1]]
c1[4] = paste(strsplit(c1[4],split = "",fixed = T)[[1]][1:2],collapse =
paste(c1,collapse = ".")
Rendering reprex...
Error in parse(text = x, keep.source = TRUE) :
<text>:28:0: unexpected end of input
On Tue, Jun 25, 2019 at 11:45 AM Spencer Brackett <
spbrackett20 using saintjosephhs.com> wrote:
> Mr. Barradas,
> I got the same "output" as before, which is the + indicating that the
> expression is incomplete (according to some R users response in this
> chain).
> Should the argument perhaps be c1 = strsplit(i, split = '\\', fixed =
> T)[[1]] .... thereby eliminating the "." ?
> The reprex and error message as the result of this is the same as the
> previous one I sent.
> I will send a more detailed description of what code I have done so far
> for context.
> Best,
> Spencer
> On Tue, Jun 25, 2019 at 11:30 AM Rui Barradas <ruipbarradas using sapo.pt>
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Maybe with
>> c1 = strsplit(i, split = '\\.', fixed = T)[[1]]
>> instead of split = '.'
>> The dot is a metacharacter that matches any character so it has to be
>> escaped.
>> Hope this helps,
>> Rui Barradas
>> Às 16:11 de 25/06/19, Spencer Brackett escreveu:
>> > c1 = strsplit(i,split ='.', fixed = T)[[1]]
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