[R] Problem with random numbers/seed
Rolf Turner
r@turner @end|ng |rom @uck|@nd@@c@nz
Sat Jun 22 01:27:23 CEST 2019
On 22/06/19 5:21 AM, Steven Yen wrote:
> Unhappy but thanks.
> Steven
Well, if you're *really* unhappy (???) you could always do
Does that make you happier?
> On 6/22/2019 1:13 AM, Uwe Ligges wrote:
>> On 21.06.2019 19:09, Steven Yen wrote:
>>> Now I see that results were replicated but running RNGversion
>>> I get a warning message. Isn't there a way to do this clean?
>> Well, the old RNG is known to be not optimal, hence we give a warning
>> if you choose the old one. This is the clean way if you really want to
>> get the old (slightly buggy) behaviour.
>> Best,
>> Uwe Ligges
>>>> RNGversion("3.5.3") Warning message: In RNGkind("Mersenne-Twister",
>>> "Inversion", "Rounding") : non-uniform 'Rounding' sampler used
>>> On 6/22/2019 1:03 AM, Uwe Ligges wrote:
>>>> What does not work?
>>>> For me it works under R-3.6.0:
>>>> x<-1:500
>>>> set.seed(12345671)
>>>> j<-sample(1:length(x),size=60); y<-x[j]
>>>> summary(j)
>>>> RNGversion("3.5.3")
>>>> set.seed(12345671)
>>>> j<-sample(1:length(x),size=60); y<-x[j]
>>>> summary(j)
>>>> Now I get the results you got udner the old R.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Uwe Ligges
>>>> On 21.06.2019 18:39, Steven Yen wrote:
>>>>> Thanks. Somewhat of a mystery. The older version I had was
>>>>> R-3.5.3patched.
>>>>> I cannot get the RNGversion command to run. Can you help? Thanks.
>>>>> On 6/22/2019 12:25 AM, Uwe Ligges wrote:
>>>>>> See the NEWS, the RNG has been changed, use RNGversion
>>>>>> On 21.06.2019 18:10, Steven Yen wrote:
>>>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>>>> I did all this work with older R (R-3.5.3.patched and older)
>>>>>>> but now with R3.6 I cannot replicate the results.
>>>>>>> Below I sample 60 observations from 1:500 using the sample command
>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>> a random seed of 123. I get different results. Advice appreciated.
>>>>>>> Steven Yen
>>>>>>> > # Run under R-3.6.0
>>>>>>> > x<-1:500
>>>>>>> > set.seed(12345671)
>>>>>>> > j<-sample(1:length(x),size=60); y<-x[j]
>>>>>>> > summary(y)
>>>>>>> Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
>>>>>>> 26.0 134.2 240.0 249.8 368.0 500.0
>>>>>>> > # Run under R-3.5.3.patched
>>>>>>> > x<-1:500
>>>>>>> > set.seed(12345671)
>>>>>>> > j<-sample(1:length(x),size=60); y<-x[j]
>>>>>>> > summary(y)
>>>>>>> Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
>>>>>>> 9.0 122.2 205.0 236.1 364.2 493.0
>>>>>> Under R-3.6.0 use, e.g.
>>>>>> RNGversion("3.5.2")
>>>>>> to get reproducible results from the older RNG.
>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>> Uwe Ligges
>>>>> --
>>>>> styen using ntu.edu.tw (S.T. Yen)
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