[R] Editing an R source code
Justine Nasejje
ju@t|nen@@ejje @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Fri Jun 14 16:11:57 CEST 2019
I would love to use my own split-rule in the existing R package for random
survival forests (randomForestSRC). Unfortunately, I have failed to locate
the file where the splitting rules where coded in the source file. Is there
anybody with an idea of how to find this specific file? Thank you!
Dr Justine Nasejje,
Email: justine.nasejje using wits.ac.za,
Lecturer at the University of the Witwatersrand,
School of Statistics and Actuarial Science,
Private Bag 3, Wits, 2050, Johannesburg,
South Africa.
*I have held many things in my hands, and I have lost them all; but
whatever I have placed in God’s hands, that I still possess. ~Corrie ten
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