[R] Accessing/Visualizing Probe Sets to determine Data Association

Spencer Brackett @pbr@ckett20 @end|ng |rom @@|ntjo@ephh@@com
Thu Jul 18 21:54:17 CEST 2019

 Good evening,

  I am dealing with an already analyzed  .RData file consisting of
pre-configured data objects loaded into my environment. I am attempting to
take this data, which shows an overall correlation of survival with
methylation pattern for a form of brain cancer, and go to the individual
probe sets and see if MGMT is one of the genes whose methylation show an
association with survival. To do this I am under the impression that I have
to visualize the probesets in order to view them/determine what gene or
genes (unbiasedly) show an association between meth. and survival. I have
been trying to run a few different methods such as microarray probe set
mapping through Ensembl, but without avail.
Would anyone perhaps know of a procedure/workflow that I could use to
achieve this?



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