[R] R 3.6.1

Martin Maechler m@ech|er @end|ng |rom @t@t@m@th@ethz@ch
Thu Jul 18 09:24:33 CEST 2019

>>>>> "JG" == Jan Galkowski 
>>>>>     on Tue, 16 Jul 2019 21:56:28 -0400 writes:

    JG> Did something seriously change in R 3.6.1 at least for Windows in terms of stack impacts? 
    JG> I'm encountering many problems with the 00UNLOCK, needing to disable locking during installations. 

    JG> And I'm encountering 

    >> Error: C stack usage 63737888 is too close to the limit

    JG> for cases I did not before, even when all I'm doing is serializing an object to be saved with *saveRDS* or even *save.image(.)*. 

    JG> Yes, I know, I did not append a minimally complete example. Just wanted to see if it was just me, or if anyone else was seeing this.

    JG> It's on Windows 7 HE and I've run *R* here for years.

    JG> My inclination is to drop back to 3.6.0 if it is just me or if no one knows about this problem. 

The last sentence suggests, you did have 3.6.0 installed and you
are sure to not have seen such problems ??

In that case even more, we (R core, notably) would be interested
to see a minimal repr.ex  triggering the problem.
(and what is  '00UNLOCK' ?)

    JG> Thanks,

    JG> - Jan Galkowski.

Martin Maechler

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