[R] Trying to coerce an AnnotatedDataFrame in order to access Probeset Info

Spencer Brackett @pbr@ckett20 @end|ng |rom @@|ntjo@ephh@@com
Wed Jul 17 22:20:04 CEST 2019

Good evening,

I downloaded the Biobase package in order to utilize the ExpressionSet and
other features hosted there to examine annotations for probeset data, which
I seek to visualize. I currently have pre-analyzed object located in my
environment containing said probeset info, along with gene id and location.
After experimenting with the following approaches, I'm am at a loss for as
to why the AnnotatedDataFrame function is not being recognized by R.

##Example of some of my attempts and their respective error messages##

    Error in AnnotatedDataFrame() : could not find function

     object  "assayData"
> annotatedDataFrameFrom("assayData", byrow=FALSE)
Error in annotatedDataFrameFrom("assayData", byrow = FALSE) :
  could not find function "annotatedDataFrameFrom"

>as(data.frame, "AnnotatedDataFrame")
Error in as(data.frame, "AnnotatedDataFrame") :
  no method or default for coercing “function” to “AnnotatedDataFrame”



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