[R] random truncation

Spencer Graves @pencer@gr@ve@ @end|ng |rom e||ect|vede|en@e@org
Sat Jul 13 00:54:04 CEST 2019


       What do you suggest I do about modeling random truncation?

        I have data on a variable Y in strata S[0], S[1], ..., S[n], 
where Y is always observed in S[0] but is less often observed in the 
other strata.  I assume that the probability of observing Y is a 
monotonically increasing function of Y and a monotonically decreasing 
function of d[i] = the distance from S[0] to S[i].

       There is a section on "random truncation" in the Wikipedia 
article on "Truncated distribution".[1]  It would be nice if I had an R 
package that would make it relatively easy to model the truncation as a 
function of "d" and / or publication that described someone doing it in 
R.  (I also have a couple of other variables that influence the 
distribution of Y.)

       Spencer Graves

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truncated_distribution#Random_truncation

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