[R] Using options(max.print = 1000000) to read in data

Rui Barradas ru|pb@rr@d@@ @end|ng |rom @@po@pt
Mon Jul 8 16:33:22 CEST 2019



Às 15:26 de 08/07/19, Spencer Brackett escreveu:
> Thank you,
> Here is a summary of the resulting output....
>> nrow(GBM.txt)
> [1] 20530
>> ncol(GBM.txt)
> [1] 173
> This corresponds with the info found in my global environment for the
> object indicated. Now, how do I go about determining if the dataset is a
> matrix?

Try any of


Also, like Kevin said, max.print only affects how much is printed, not 
the read functions. Why change max.print at all? The default value 
(1000) is large enough, I have never needed to see more than this at a 
time. In fact, to have an idea of the data I would rather further limit 
the number of matrix lines printed with


Hope this helps,

Rui Barradas
> On Mon, Jul 8, 2019 at 10:16 AM Kevin Thorpe <kevin.thorpe using utoronto.ca>
> wrote:
>>> On Jul 8, 2019, at 10:06 AM, Spencer Brackett <
>> spbrackett20 using saintjosephhs.com> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>>   I am trying to reload some data into R in order to check to see if it is
>>> formatted as a matrix. I used the command options(max.print = 10000000)
>> to
>>> account for the 20,000 some rows omitted previously when just using the
>>> basic version of this function. After entering this command, the dataset
>>> mostly loaded into R, but 14717 rows were still omitted.
>>>   Can I simply increase the number indicted after 'max.print =' to read in
>>> the remaining rows, or should I use 'bigfile.sample <-' or
>>> 'bigfile.colclass <-' instead? Do I even need to read in all of the rows
>> to
>>> test for a matrix?
>>> Best,
>>> Spencer
>> I don’t think this option affects how much data is read in, just how much
>> is printed to the screen. Use the function str() on your imported object to
>> see how many rows, among other things, were brought in.
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>> Kevin E. Thorpe
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