[R] Conditional Logistic Regression with Multilevel Data [using clogistic() in Epi and lmer() in lme4???]

Abby Spurdle @purd|e@@ @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Fri Jul 5 02:30:25 CEST 2019

(Back ON-LIST).

(And combining two of Marc's posts).
> Perhaps I am missing something here, but with clogit(), or Heather's
initial attempt at using clogistic(), as both have 'strata' arguments,
wouldn't the 'strata' argument need to be able to accept a nested
structure, along the lines of strata(id / site)?
> I would defer to the mixed models experts, but I think that the basic
approach using nested random effects seems to make sense.
> The mixed effects models would generally support a nested random effects
specification, if that makes sense here.

I found the coxme() function from the coxme package.

According to it's documentation:
"Fit a Cox model containing mixed (random and fixed) effects."

I found some sources stating that a Cox model, is equivalent to a
Conditional Logistic Model, in some cases.
And another source that said that you need to set time equal to one, for
every data point.
However, I haven't verified any of this.

I don't know if it's possible to use the coxme() function in conjunction
with Marc's idea for nested random effects...?

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