[R] A priori contrast for binomial GLM

Rula Domínguez ru|@@domgz @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Fri Jan 18 10:56:54 CET 2019

Hello to everyone,

after much reading I decided to write because I cannot find a solution to
my question.

I already did a priori contrasts before for a continuous variable with
normal distribution. Now I have another variable (burrow), which is
binomial, and I can do the GLM for it. But when I do the a priori
contrasts, it has no result in the cases where all data are 0 (is not that
there are no data, they are just all 0 in a category (treat 30-30), and I
want to compare this with others that have ones).
 Data sructure is like this:

  date day treat psu  sp  burrow
1    3   0 30-30  36    B      0
2    3   0 30-30  36    B      0
3    3   0 15-30  36    B      1
4    3   0 15-30  36    B      1
5    3   0 15-30  36    B      1
6    3   0 10-25  36    B      1

My model is this:
>model4B2<-glm(burrow~ treat, family=binomial(link="logit"), data=D4B)

And I did the contrast like this:

#Test contrastes 30 vs all (there are 4 categories to compare)

But is not working and I am sure it should work.

Could it be because my explanatory variable is cathegorical?
Or is just not possible to do contrasts for binomial when you have all 0 in
some cathegory?

Thank you in advance,

Rula Domínguez Fernández
PhD Student
*Departamento de Ecoloxía e Bioloxía Animal*
*Faculdade de Ciencias do Mar*
*Universidade de Vigo*

Móvil: +34 646521205

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