[R] add points to lattice cloud plot (3D scatter)

Luigi Marongiu m@rong|u@|u|g| @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Thu Feb 28 11:39:33 CET 2019

Dear all,
is it possible to add points to a lattice cloud plot (3D scatter)? I
can plot the main data, but what if I wanted to add another point. In
R there is the high level plotting function plot(), then the low level
points() or lines() etc. What is the equivalent for lattice?

Thank you


df = data.frame(Name = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E"),
              x_axis = c(-0.591, 0.384, -0.384, -0.032, 0.754),
              y_axis = c(-1.302, 1.652, -1.652, 0.326, 0.652),
              z_axis = c(1.33, 1.33, 2.213, 0.032, -0.754),
              stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

cloud(z_axis ~ x_axis * y_axis, data = df,
      xlab = "X", ylab = "Y", zlab = "Z",
      pch = 16, col = "red", type = "b", cex = 1.5,
      ltext(x=df$x_axis, y=df$y_axis, z=df$z_axis,
            labels=df$Names, pos=1, offset=1, cex=0.8)

df2 = data.frame(Name = "F",
                x_axis = 0.891,
                y_axis = 2.302
                z_axis = -1.83,
                stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

Best regards,

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