[R] Checking for similar file names in two different directories

Rui Barradas ru|pb@rr@d@@ @end|ng |rom @@po@pt
Thu Dec 26 19:59:29 CET 2019


I am not sure if the following code is what you need but maybe you can 
get some inspiration from it.

x <- c("G:\ 0020-49785 10806.xls", "Q:\ 301864 4519 10806.xls")

y <- strsplit(x, split = "[^[:alnum:]]+")
eq <- sapply(y[[1]], `==`, y[[2]])
i <- apply(eq, 1, function(e) Reduce(`|`, e))

#[1] "10806" "xls"

This returns "10806" but also returns the file extension "xls".
And it could be made to loop through a vector of filenames.

Hope this helps,

Rui Barradas

Às 17:54 de 26/12/19, Thomas Subia escreveu:
> Colleagues,
> I have two locations where my data resides.
> One folder is for data taken under treatment A
> One folder is for data taken under treatment B
> "G:\ 0020-49785 10806.xls"
> "Q:\ 301864 4519 10806.xls"
> Here the 10806 is the part which is common to both directories.
> Is there a way to have R extract parts common to both directories?
> Thomas Subia
> Statistician / Senior Quality Engineer
> IMG Companies
> 225 Mountain Vista Parkway
> Livermore, CA 94551
> T. (925) 273-1106
> F. (925) 273-1111
> E. tsubia using imgprecision.com
> Precision Manufacturing for Emerging Technologies
> imgprecision.com
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