[R] What is best way to calculate % of time?
John Kane
jrkr|de@u @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Wed Dec 25 16:15:59 CET 2019
I am sorry but I am at a loss here.
According to your sample data you have 3 Species : Buzz, Ptedav,
Ptemes, but you say that "Buzz" indicates that the bat is feeding.
What has that to do with feeding?
Assuming Buzz is feeding activity, are all incidents of feeding
activity a single point in time?
Likewise the data has multiple entries such as
Ptedav 7717 7/3/2000 20:15
Ptedav 7717 7/3/2000 20:15
Ptedav 7717 7/3/2000 20:15
Ptedav 7717 7/3/2000 20:15
What does that represent?
On Wed, 25 Dec 2019 at 07:29, Neotropical bat risk assessments
<neotropical.bats using gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> It seems R has gotten better/more packages in dealing with time data.
> I want to create "simple" summaries of time for bat activity.
> Data is all in an Access relational database and exported as a CSV file
> with 4 columns in this format:
> Species = a 6 letter code or "Buzz" to indicated when bats are feeding
> Location = a 4 digit number
> Time=HH:MM (24 hr format)
> Species Location Date Time
> Buzz 7716 1/25/2000 0:05
> Buzz 7716 1/25/2000 0:05
> Buzz 7716 1/25/2000 0:05
> Buzz 7716 1/25/2000 0:47
> Buzz 7716 1/25/2000 0:47
> Buzz 7716 1/25/2000 0:47
> Buzz 7716 1/25/2000 0:47
> Buzz 7717 7/3/2000 20:17
> Buzz 7717 7/3/2000 20:17
> Buzz 7717 7/3/2000 20:17
> Buzz 7717 7/3/2000 20:17
> Buzz 7717 7/3/2000 20:30
> Buzz 7717 7/3/2000 20:30
> Buzz 7717 7/3/2000 20:30
> Buzz 7717 7/3/2000 20:30
> Ptedav 7717 7/3/2000 20:14
> Ptedav 7717 7/3/2000 20:15
> Ptedav 7717 7/3/2000 20:15
> Ptedav 7717 7/3/2000 20:15
> Ptedav 7717 7/3/2000 20:15
> Ptedav 7717 7/3/2000 20:15
> Ptedav 7717 7/3/2000 20:17
> Ptedav 7717 7/3/2000 20:17
> Ptedav 7717 7/3/2000 20:17
> Ptedav 7717 7/3/2000 20:18
> Ptedav 7717 7/3/2000 20:18
> Ptedav 7717 7/3/2000 20:18
> Ptedav 7717 7/3/2000 20:18
> Ptedav 7717 7/3/2000 20:18
> Ptemes 7717 7/3/2000 23:15
> Ptemes 7717 7/3/2000 23:21
> Ptemes 7717 7/3/2000 23:22
> Ptemes 7717 7/3/2000 23:23
> Ptemes 7717 7/3/2000 23:25
> Ptemes 7717 7/3/2000 23:26
> Ptemes 7717 7/3/2000 23:27
> Ptemes 7717 7/3/2000 23:28
> Ptemes 7717 7/3/2000 23:29
> Ptemes 7717 7/3/2000 23:33
> Ptemes 7717 7/3/2000 23:35
> Ptemes 7717 7/3/2000 23:36
> Ptemes 7717 7/3/2000 23:37
> The above is clearly not a complete DF but only a format sample. Data
> begins when the first bat was recorded and ends when the last bat was
> recorded. So all are times from sunset to sunrise. Dates roll over so
> for example one night of data would begin at 18:00 1/1/2000 and end
> 06:00 1/2/2000.
> What I need to do is have a summary of Buzz events (feeding) and
> calculate the percentage of total time bats were active and have a
> summary of time feeding buzz was recorded and total bat activity to
> determine what percentage of time was spent with feeding attempts over
> the active period.
> This by all bats by survey night and by single species by survey night.
> Any suggestions welcomed.
> Happy holidays all
> --
> Bruce W. Miller, PhD.
> Neotropical bat risk assessments
> Conservation Fellow - Wildlife Conservation Society
> If we lose the bats, we may lose much of the tropical vegetation and the lungs of the planet
> Using acoustic sampling to identify and map species distributions
> and pioneering acoustic tools for ecology and conservation of bats for >25 years.
> Key projects include providing free interactive identification keys and call fact sheets for the vocal signatures of New World Bats
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John Kane
Kingston ON Canada
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